Nothing explicitly states that speculative fiction/science fiction is included in this opportunity for academics -- but couldn't the "imaginary cities" topic include speculative fiction?
Call for Papers:
Celluloid Tropics
4-6 August 2010
School of Architecture
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR
one can hardly imagine a film narrative taking place in the absence of built space
Nikolov, N. (2008). Cinemarchitecture.
JAE, 62(1), 41-45.
In movies, both architecture and city are the necessary background to the cinematic stories. For both architecture and the city, the cinema is a lens that not only pictures and documents their histories, but that also imposes interpretations of the way in which we create and inhabit those spaces.
Celluloid Tropics wants to create spaces for interdisciplinary discussions about those visions, in the context of Caribbean geography and cultures. The recurrent topic in these discussions will be the environment, both the scales of the city and of the built environment, as seen through cinema.
This seminar will take place in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Participants will be sharing individual and group presentations, as well as short films, that will stimulate the discussion about the built environment in the Caribbean area.
The topics that will be addressed in this seminar:
Cities and fictions
Imaginary cities
Cinema, architecture, and literature
Gender, sexuality, and the city
Gender, sexuality, and the city in the Caribbean
Other cities
Postcolonial cities
Ethnicity, architecture and the cinema
The no-cities
Modernities and postmodernities
The traditional and modern city in cinema
Architectural vanguards in the Caribbean
Educating the Caribbean citizen
Education about the city and its architecture through cinema
Cities and catastrophes
In addition to the electronic proceedings of the Seminar, selected papers will be published in a special number of (in)Forma, the official journal of the School of Architecture of the University of Puerto Rico.
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