Anesthesia is for wimps...???

Oct 25, 2007 18:55

I went to the dentist a couple days ago to get a filling replaced and while I'm laying down in the chair, the dentist says, "Well, do you want to try this without anesthesia?"  I laugh and say, "Ha! Not funny."  His reply, "Come on, give it a chance.  Just let me know if it gets uncomfortable."

As he moved toward my mouth with the drill, I realized he was serious.  I was panicky and too taken off guard to say anything and before I knew what was happening, he was removing my old filling.  I was so tense!  It didn't actually hurt but there was a dull slightly uncomfortable feeling plus the fear that at any moment I was going to get a sharp jolt of unthinkable pain.  It went well and I had a new filling in place within 10 minutes with no numb face afterward.  I decided that it was an interesting thing to have done.

I've got an appointment next month to replace a cap and I'm scared to death...but kind of curious too.
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