(no subject)

May 01, 2007 15:51

I just got back from chaperoning a band trip up to D.C.  Thirty-eight kids and 9 chaperones on a bus from Miami to D.C. and back.  I'm not sure that I would ever do that again but it's good to try everything once, right?  Dip your head in boiling oil, chaperon a bus trip...it's good to live it all!

It really was a lot of fun getting to know all of the kids and I love Washington but it was a seriously tiring ordeal.  The band did very good; they are a two year middle school and they just barely got beat by the three year middle school that happens to be a music magnate school so they held their own.

The boy got one of only a handful of personal trophies; I think around seven were handed out total out of around a couple hundred kids so we're pretty proud of the brat-a-tat.  He got his trophy for his guitar solo during on of the jazz bands songs.

Here is a pic of him in the warm-up room before they went on stage:

In other news, I start back to school next week and I'm scared as hell!

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