i used to long for broken bones now i long for a casket to call my own.

Nov 27, 2006 21:10

For anyone in high school English that still reads this, i would just like to let you know that you should immediately disregard anything that you have learned about MLA format and EVERYTHING you've learned about citing papers...because whatever reeths-puffer has taught you about how to do it, it's wrong...and when you do it that way...you fail...just a bit of advice for the future and how about a big fuck you shout out to reeths-puffer!

speaking of papers, i have the BIGGEST paper of my life (so far) due in two weeks and my professor keeps yelling at us to not wait until the last minute and that if we don't make a rough draft this week than we should be very worried....well hmm lets see i sent her my second paper outline and i can't write the paper until she gives me feedback..which she hasn't yet..so should i be worried? i don't know because it's not really my fault. bah fuck school.

two more weeks until Christmas break...kinda...Molly is not ready for Finals.

Umm about life....it's pretty rediculous at the moment i try not to think about it. But for the past three months at school i haven't had to pay for anything because my loan went through..and now all the sudden it says i owe 1200 dollars by december 15th...wtf? you know what else is fucked up...i've been looking at all the payments that i have for school...tuition for Grand Valley is about 6,000 excluding room and board because i obviously don't live there....but all the payments i've made/am going to make in the future add up to over 9,000 how much sense does this make?

Umm work is so slow i feel like i'm 14 again working for minimum wage because thats all i'm making right now, and it's gotten to the point where i can't even afford my perscriptions anymore (which are 150 a month!) My mom gave me money for my birthday and she keeps asking me what i'm going to spend it on and when i want to go shopping for clothes (because lord knows i need them)....but i don't have the heart to tell her that i already spent it on a tuition payment.

ok i'm done venting.

FYI The pick of destiny is the best movie ever
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