(no subject)

Nov 13, 2010 03:40

So I am faced with a dilemma. Continue to look for work here while working at a retail place (assuming I can find one), or call up my old boss at the veterinary hospital and ask for my job back, and move back home. And I need to make this decision very soon, as my bank account is dangerously low.

I'm just so conflicted about it. On the one hand, I did love my job and working there (even though I'm sure it didn't sound like it sometimes), but on the other hand, going back would mean 12 hour days again, with pretty low pay, no benefits (which I could really use right now), and the inability to explore other things I may want to do for a career. It also would mean potentially working with Deb (the girl from my last post), which could be awkward.

I'm about 80% decided on calling her and asking for it back, but the other 20% keeps telling me to hold out just a little bit longer. I'm not sure it's wise to listen to that 20% though, as bills do need to be paid, here.

Being an adult sucks.

Aside from that, I've been playing way too much WoW, because I have nothing else to do with all my free time. I'm not even doing anything "important" in it. Just trying to get 100 mounts (I'm at 92!), and leveling cooking and stuff. The new patch has made warlocks extremely fun (albeit complicated), so I'm running around doing a whole bunch of stuff to show off my new abilities :P

And the new water effects are pretty:

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