(no subject)

Apr 11, 2010 16:47

Just wanted to give a quick update on things.

Basically, I'll start with the bad. That stomach thing I was having issues with has gotten markedly worse, but in a different way. When I first had problems with it it felt like...burning would be the best way to put it. Now, it feels like there's a rock in my stomach AND whenever I eat it's like swallowing razors. You know how when you swallow something and it turns out it was too big or not chewed enough so it hurts on its way down when it enters your stomach? That's what it feels like every time, and it really, REALLY hurts! I've basically eaten one Nutrigrain bar and a couple Jamba Juices in the last four days because I don't want to feel the pain. Even just water or swallowing my own saliva hurts :(

I went to Urgent Care yesterday because I almost screamed when I tried to eat said Nutrigrain bar because it really friggin' hurt. They're not sure what's going on either, so they've referred me to a gastroenterologist. They THINK I ate something that scratched my stomach up real bad so the acid is burning the crap out of it, but they're not sure why none of the medications are working. So on Monday I'll make an appointment with a specialist and hopefully by the end of the week I'll know something. Or at least be able to eat. I'm really hungry! D:

For now though they're having me take stuff I refer to as Super Hippie Licorice Pills. I think it's actually called DHL or something, but it's basically a natural supplement that you can only really find in hippie markets. But it seems to be working, at least a little (not perfectly, but still), so go hippies :P I also got the German Chocolate kind which is...interesting.

And of course I unthinkingly told by best friend the issues that are going on and now she's panicked because I guess these are all symptoms her mom had when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so I feel bad for making her worry. I'm pretty certain it's nothing so serious, but now she's got it in her head. Phoo...

But! The good:

It's raining! Yay! Big, fat, hard drops, too. The best kind of rain. There's wind, too, which I also love (though it does tend to blow the storm away faster which makes me sad).

I'm also taking two very challenging classes this quarter: pharmacology and endocrinology. They're hard but I'm so far enjoying them a lot. Even endocrinology, which terrified me at first because he's having us learn in a way I'm not used to, which is that we come to class having read all the material and then he'll call us up to the board and have us teach the class for a bit. It's havoc on my nerves but I'm finding that I'm actually retaining the information better this way. So yay!

And that's my update. I'm kinda not feeling well right now so I think I'm gonna go sleep again. ...and/or take a Super Hippie Licorice Pill :P
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