When you're born what you are...[OTA, tag Bill Adama]

Feb 01, 2010 19:06

Tiberius was doing more internal debating than talking. It was a trait that he came by honestly, considering who was responsible for his upbringing and his programming. He had taken Daneel's advice seriously, though there was some hesitance in the idea. What would it do to a man that hated to be trapped, a man that quietly dwelled and simmered ( Read more... )

[canon] peri brown, [place] security, [oc] tiberius avon-soong, [canon] bill adama

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oldmanadama February 2 2010, 15:30:19 UTC
The chief in question was at his desk, wrestling with a bit of paperwork. Station security didn't normally involve as much as say, Ops - but there was still a few loose ends to be tied up after the virus outbreak.

It wasn't very interesting work, but someone had to do it.

Bill was by now itching for a distraction - he was just about to get up and pay another visit to the Viper in the hangar deck, when he noticed two people walk into his office.

"Agent K. Coming to relieve me of this paperwork?"


avonsoongdroid February 2 2010, 15:46:33 UTC
"Nope." K said with a hint of a grin, happily reminded of why he liked his position. "Maybe give you a break, though. Somebody wants to see you."

Tiberius hesitantly leaned in the doorway, still at odds with what he was considering, and almost comically wriggled his fingers in a wave at Adama. "Unless I'm interrupting. I can always come back."


yay, finally some free time to reply to tags! *\o/* oldmanadama February 8 2010, 11:31:28 UTC
Bill gave a wry smile in K's direction. You're enjoying this, aren't you?" was all he said, before turning his attention to the awkward young man in the doorway. "No, not interrupting at all." Anything to keep his mind off paperwork. "Bill Adama, Chief of Security. What seems to be the problem?"

Most people didn't come down to Security for a friendly chat.


Woohoo! Freedom! avonsoongdroid February 9 2010, 06:05:21 UTC
"A little," K said dryly before heading back through the door, abandoning Tiberius to the Chief.

"I'm... a little unsure about how to go about asking this. I would like to a bit more certain that there would be facilities to contain someone unreasonably strong and resourceful that might present a danger to the station. I'm not really sure how everything works or the sort of holding facilities here..."

He flinched a nervous grin, edging between sitting in the office or staying at the door. He supposed this was the closest to a 'principal's office' that he would ever get.


..sort of, since my work has unfortunately blocked IJ 0_o oldmanadama February 10 2010, 15:42:44 UTC
Bill solved at least part of that problem, by indicating a chair. "Why don't you take a seat, first. Before you wear out the decking," he added with a small smile.

Bill was not from the Admiral Cain school of thought, and didn't like to keep his guests standing on ceremony. Though since the chair was in front of his desk, it probably didn't help lessen the whole 'principal's office' vibe, as he crossed back over to seat himself behind it.

"We have holding facilities here, but they're only good to keep a person for a short period of time. A few days, at the most," he said. "If necessary, I'm sure we can arrange to build a more...permanent holding cell. But we'd need a good reason for doing so." Bill looked across at the young man. "Why don't you start from the beginning, son."


That's okay, I'm good with slowtime. avonsoongdroid February 11 2010, 01:04:53 UTC
"Thank you, my father used to comment that I would do that if I didn't stop pacing. The situation is... a bit complicated. But then again, isn't everything here." He eyed the chair before resigning himself to sitting, still unsure of what he was going to do. Or where even to begin.

"You're aware that there are many timelines? That some of us come from alternate realities that differ only slightly or even universes that play by entirely different sets of rules..." He still seemed a little stiff in the chair, and couldn't find a good place to rest his hands. Though he was doing his best to appear as relaxed and casual as possible.


Re: That's okay, I'm good with slowtime. oldmanadama February 11 2010, 16:59:40 UTC
"After a virus which turned people on this station into numerous copies of the same human female? I'm inclined to agree with you." Bill leaned back in his chair, regarding the young man before him, who seemed as nervous as a rookie pilot about to take his first flight. Perhaps even more so.

"I used to believe that such ideas only existed in fiction," he began. "But yes, I am aware of this being reality here."

Between the android Olivaw, and the numerous people from Earth, Bill was getting quite the crash course in the impossible.


Re: That's okay, I'm good with slowtime. avonsoongdroid February 11 2010, 23:01:39 UTC
"Well... My fathers are aboard the station. I'm an android constructed by another android and a human technician. Commonly referred to as a 'Soong-type'. But my fathers here are from different timelines, not the married couple I was raised by. Even my great-great-great-great-grandfather is here. He's a human geneticist in sick bay. I came here with a brother that I'd already met through skewed time. As you can tell... that's complicated enough in it's own right."

He rubbed his fingers together, worried about the reaction there. Not everyone knew about androids, or even their capacity to form familial units. At least his type.


oldmanadama February 14 2010, 08:38:21 UTC
Bill's eyes widened as the young man mentioned he was an android. Olivaw had mentioned there were others like him on the station, but he'd never imagined that, well, he'd not be able to tell.

Much like the Cylons.

Bill tried to keep his voice calm and level, even as his hand moved to rest casually on his sidearm (a move that was thankfully blocked from Tiberius' view by the desk).

"I...see." He regarded the young man - no, the android - carefully. "Are you asking for asylum for yourself?"


avonsoongdroid February 14 2010, 08:49:12 UTC
His mouth fell slightly agape, before he clamped it shut in confusion. "I- ...No, I have an uncle. He's been... mistreated most of his operating existence, but it's no excuse for things that he's done, and might do again. It's no guarantee, but I wanted to know that if should such a situation arise that he might be able to be contained safely and fairly."

He saw something of a demeanor change, a switch in posture that sat him on edge. Avon had displayed such movements many times.

"I'm starting to think that I'm encroaching on your time. You must have important things to do. Perhaps I should leave..."


finally get time to get back on LJ *le sigh* oldmanadama February 19 2010, 11:04:46 UTC
"And there comes a time where you can't hide from the things that you've done," Bill said in a low voice, thinking of what he'd said on the decommissioning ceremony. What Sharon had told him, about humans and Cylons.

Are you worthy of survival....

Lost in thought for a moment, he'd almost forgotten about the android before him - until Tiberius' words brought him back abruptly to the present. Because android or not, here was a situation which needed his full attention.

"Wait." The tone in his voice was commanding, as he looked up and met the android directly in the eyes.

He wasn't certain, but there was something about this one that was quite unlike like the Cylons. Less confident and sure of themselves, for a start, which reminded him more of a rookie pilot than a cold-blooded killer.


*huggles from afar* avonsoongdroid February 20 2010, 00:15:10 UTC
"I think... perhaps the most I've done lately that deserves accounting for is some petty larceny, though nothing here and certainly nothing I would hide from." His brother would have frowned at him, and there wasn't anything quite so uncomfortable as one of his disapproving looks.

He froze in the middle of starting to rise from the chair- and at Bill's words went stone still. He didn't sit back down, no. He held that precise position.

The android's eyes were realistic, a deep brown emulating his human father's. Deepset. Troubled, at the moment, almost like an organic's would be.

"Yes?" The whole matter was beginning to make him decidedly nervous.


oldmanadama February 20 2010, 04:24:02 UTC
Bill got up out of his chair, and crossed around to where the android was standing. "I...haven't had pleasant experiences in dealing with robots," he began slowly. "In my world, we're at war with them. And they have developed the ability to make themselves look - and feel - human."

He paused, meeting the android's eyes again. Cylons had never shown that much emotion - not even Leoben, for all his religious fanaticism.

"Is the term 'Cylon' familiar to you?"


avonsoongdroid February 20 2010, 08:06:37 UTC
Oh, precisely what he wanted to hear. Enough to make his artificial heart pound a tick faster in his chest.

"No, I've heard avatar, android, robot, tin can, but not cylon, I'm afraid...." Though now he was deeply curious about what those were.

"Where I'm from they're not that uncommon. All starships have a sentient intelligence that runs their mechanical functions and bonds with the crew. I was... just intended to be someone's son, sir. I look more like one father than the other. I share a combination of their habits. I had to learn to speak properly, and to walk normally, to go through a period of adjustment to my emotions. The average disappointment in discovering that what I am keeps me from being what I want to be. I've no intention of bothering anyone here, if that's what concerns you. I just want to keep my family safe." He allowed himself to sit in the chair, since the half stand seemed a bit awkward to maintain while someone was above you.


oldmanadama February 24 2010, 13:43:10 UTC
"No wonder, if you are from another universe." And he'd never thought he would use those words in everyday conversation. He sighed. "Cylons were created by the Twelve Colonies to serve mankind - only they evolved. Rebelled, evolved some more, and eventually destroyed our home worlds. They've been chasing the remnants of our society across space ever since."

Bill glanced over at the android. Still a little wary, but his expression softened a little as he leaned against the desk. "I said I've had unpleasant experiences with robots, but I understand from Mister Olivaw that not all are as ruthless as the Cylons. And I also know how prejudices work." He'd experienced a lot of that in his early Fleet days, what with the attitude most people had about Taurons.

And if there was someone out there who would pose a threat to this station and its inhabitants....

"Tell me more about this...uncle of yours, son. Why do you believe that he needs to be locked away?"


My turn to get wrapped up in work... avonsoongdroid February 25 2010, 06:51:19 UTC
"Well, there's already a primary difference between us, as I'll do mankind plenty of favors but not once have I felt obligated to serve him... But I can understand the trepidation." He almost made a comment that he had no plans to chase any civilization across space, but he guessed that would be taking the dark humor a bit far ( ... )


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