Under New Management [OTA; tag Peri for Scotty]

Jan 23, 2010 16:18

If there was one thing that most Starfleet officers could agree on, it was that coffee was the best way to start the morning. Lots of it.

Replicators were notorious for never getting the taste quite right, so the cafes in the San Francisco area always did pretty well - especially when shore leave came around.

Christopher Pike was no exception to the rule, and he had been pleasantly surprised to found that this place (wherever the hell it was) had a cafe which served pretty damn good coffee.

But he was even more surprised, when he showed up one morning to order his usual (black, one sugar) - only to be handed an official-looking piece of paper. Pike glanced down at it, and blinked. Twice. No, the words were still there. One eyebrow crept up, in a very passable imitation of a certain Vulcan.

"You gotta be kidding me."


Scotty liked the cafe too, and had been going there almost religiously, ever since he discovered it. Not only was the coffee good, but their sandwiches were also excellent. He'd noticed the man in Starfleet gold walk in that day - almost thought it was the Captain for a moment, except for the fact that this man was a little older than Captain Kirk.

He really didn't pay the officer all that much attention after that. Not while he had a plate of sandwiches, a cup of Irish coffee (yes, really), and a PADD to occupy him. Scotty munched happily on his sandwich, pausing between bites to tap at the device (and to brush crumbs off the display screen).

[canon] peri brown, [place] cafe, [canon] montgomery scott, [canon] christopher pike, [canon] silken floss

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