Oct 02, 2008 19:26
I felt notably less exhausted at the end of the workday today than yesterday or the day before. Hopefully this means I am getting more acclimated to 10-hour days.
I have discovered that my coworkers, without exception, are pretty cool. A small sampling:
Julia likes Harry Potter. She's always reading something on break. She recommends pizza places and folk/indie Mexican bands to me.
Nikki plays the ukelele and has offered to do a "20-minute set" of original love songs on our lunch break sometime. She stayed up until midnight last night sewing a skirt as a birthday present for her daughter, then got up for the 5 am shift, but was still kind enough to give me several helpful tips throughout the day.
Margarita complimented me on my Spanish skills and told me about her daughter who is also named Rachel, and we joked around a bit whilst putting thousands of cookies into bags and labeling them at breakneck speed.
Also, I came out casually to some of my coworkers today. In Spanish, no less. We were talking about our families over lunch.
Maria: Rachel, do you have any kids?
Me: No. Am I the only one of us who doesn't?
Maria and Margarita: Yes, the only one!
Maria: Are you married?
Me: Well, no...
Maria: But you do have a boyfriend, eh?
Me: I have a girlfriend.
Maria and Margarita: Oh, a girlfriend.
And that was it. No grilling, no awkward vibe afterward. Woo hoo, it seems I can talk about my significant other (as I am wont to do... a lot... just ask Steph) without it being a huge deal! They made more of me being a vegetarian. Go figure.
good things