Borrowed from several people. I tag ALL OF YOU. :D
Are you a morning person?
Have you ever been to Target?
You mean there are people who HAVEN'T been to Target? (Aside from people who live somewhere without Targets.)
Do you like iced tea?
Eh, not particularly. I don't hate it or anything, but it's pretty far down on my list of things I like to drink.
What color bedsheets are currently on your bed?
Have you ever been to Disney World?
No, and I don't have any particular desire to.
If so, how many times have you been?
See above.
Do grammar and capitalization mean anything to you?
YES. I am a complete grammar/spelling/punctuation snob. Of course there are occasional exceptions for LOL-speak/netspeak/etc., but I haaaaaaate careless misuse of apostrophes and the like. (Sigh. Now I'm going to make a zillion mistakes in this post and look like a moron.)
Are you good at wrapping gifts for others?
Sure, I guess. I've never really thought about it. Maybe that means I'm not!
Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room?
What would you say is your favorite television show?
WHY DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE. At this very moment it'll be The Good Wife.
Do you enjoy big holiday dinners?
Once or twice a year, yes. But I think I'd lose my mind if they happened more often!
Is your vision good?
Yes! I don't think it's quite perfect (maybe 20/30 or something), but I've never needed glasses.
Is there any piece of jewelry you're constantly wearing?
I usually wear some type of earrings, and I used to wear a treble clef necklace until the chain broke. And then the one I got after that broke too, and the one after that. So I'm on a bit of a necklace hiatus at the moment.
What is one thing you desire as of now?
Not having to get up at 7 AM tomorrow (see #1!).
Do you have any obsessions?
TV...I think that's about it.
Do you blog a lot, if at all?
If LJ counts as a blog, then sometimes. But otherwise no.
Is your present hair color natural?
Yes. I'm waaaaaaaay too lazy to dye my hair.
What makes you the most angry when it comes to people?
Hmm. I'll go with closed-mindedness.
What was the last thing you ordered online?
A new pair of headphones after my cat chewed through my old ones.
Have you ever felt as though you were drifting apart from a best friend?
If you have a significant other, how long have you been together?
Do you know any genuinely friendly people?
Well, yeah. Most of my friends are pretty friendly people, otherwise I don't think I'd be friends with them.
Do you buy your friends gifts?
Sure, sometimes.
What was the last thing you plugged in?
My phone.
How old are you?
Old enough not to answer this question.
What color headphones do you own?
White (exciting, I know).
Where do you buy the majority of your clothing?
Lots of places -- I don't think there's really one place I could narrow down as the majority.
Would you rather wear necklaces or earrings?
Do you enjoy watching fights?
In real life, hell no. On TV, sometimes (but arguing more than physical fighting. I don't see the appeal in watching people punch and kick each other).
Where are your parents as of now?
Probably at home?
When did you last go to a book store?
Uhhh...a while ago, partly because if I go into a bookstore I'll be there FOREVER.
What's the closest book store where you live?
Downtown, which is about 15 minutes away.
How much money do you have on you right now?
On my person, none. In my purse by the door, maybe $30.
Are you wearing make up at the moment?
Do you think freckles are cute?
I have them, so I like to think so. ;)
Last time you went to the mall?
Last week.
Name something that's your favorite color:
Have you been to Red Lobster before?
No. I'm a vegetarian so it doesn't hold very much appeal to me.
Would you rather have nice hair or lips?
To be perfectly honest I've never noticed someone having NOT nice lips. I mean, how can you have unattractive lips? They're just...lips. So I'd rather have nice hair.
Do you consider yourself short?
Short-ish, yeah.
Are you outside a lot?
Sometimes, but it's supposed to be 32 degrees tomorrow so I certainly won't be then!
Have you ever been dumped via text message?
Do you like dream catchers?
I don't really have an opinion on them one way or another, but sure, they're nice.
Do you work with any close friends?
With people I'd consider friends, yes, but not super-close friends.
Do you consider yourself spoiled?
Not particularly, though I do realize that I've been very lucky in many areas of my life.
Have you ever taken a keyboarding class?
Keyboarding as in typing, yes. Keyboarding as in electric piano, no.
Do you ever get drunk?
Not really. I don't find it pleasant.
Have you ever had highlights before?
I have natural highlights in the summer, but I've never put them in.
Would you say you think you have a mental disorder of some kind?
Probably, if you look hard enough.
Do you have any paintings?
*does a mental walk-through of house* No.
What is one clothing fad you wish never existed?
Tights with shorts. SO WRONG.
Have you ever failed a class before?
No. I'm basically the definition of a perfectionist.
Do you regret meeting any of your exes?
Do you own any coloring books?
No (but that sounds kind of fun!).
Do you own any brown clothing?
I think I have a brown camisole somewhere...
Last thing you drank:
Tea (mint and lemongrass, if you're wondering).
Do you have an in-ground pool at your house?
I wish!
What is the first digit of your phone number?
Do you sometimes celebrate holidays early?
No. So much of the fun is in the anticipation!
Has anyone made you mad today?
Do you have any children?
If so, what are their names?
Do both of your parents have jobs?
Are you afraid people won't accept you?
Of course, who isn't? But I try really hard not to obsess about it.
Are you, for the most part, an honest person?
Yes. Not so much because I'm amazingly virtuous, but because I'm a really, really bad liar.
Did you make prank phone calls as a child?
No, but I did once convince a friend to throw rotten lemons over the fence at a neighbor's house. To this day I don't know what the hell I was thinking.
Do you like to make donations?
I do, but I don't often have the finances to be able to.
Have you ever called a teen suicide line?
Have you ever caught something on fire?
Yes, a little jar of ethanol (in a chemistry lab, not making moonshine or anything :p). Luckily I just put the cap on and it went right out.
Ever been obsessed with a show?
Ahem. *points at 99% of journal posts*
What type of perfume or cologne do you use?
I don't, usually. I do like scented shampoos and lotions, though.