I just read an amazing fic, I literally fell of my chair (it is a small chair, so I use that as an excuse).
It 's no LJ, so I can't put it with memories, and I have no desire to put it in my favorites, where my entire family can find out what depraved things I like to read, and I really like to chair it with the world (meaning: the 10 people on my flist).
It's pretty old (2001), and thus very possible you all know it for ages, but I have the excuse that I am pretty new in the world of fanfiction, and there are still loads of fics for me to read out there on the www.
Anyway: It is "the naked quiditch match", and written entirely in mmails, with hilarious name-calling, mocking of voldemort, twins at their best, and Ginny and Harry are selling some items that I would like to buy.
http://www.nodignity.com/freaks/nqm/nqm1.html click and enjoy.