Jul 01, 2007 21:24

There're too many things going on at the moment! D:

Firstly, Dad, Sisterling and Brother are gonna be away this week for various different reasons, such as Duke of Edinburgh Award, School trip and business trip. Not in that order, though. xD

Secondly, I have started my first 'job'. I'm a volunteer at ACCESS, in the Information Research Department, and I've only been there a day and a bit so far. I'm planning on spending tomorrow afternoon there, I think.

Thirdly, I was just downstairs and watched a part of the Diana Concert. Specifically the Andrew Lloyd Webber part. I wasn't expecting Connie Fisher to sing Memory when she appeared (although Sound Of Music definately wasn't an ALW musical xD), but it was nice that the song from Cats was sung by someone I knew. Although they were singing the two-person version, done between Grizabella and Jemima, so some other random person walked on to sing Jemima's part and stood there uselessly for the remainder of the song.
The Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat song, Any Dream Will Do, was fantastically sung jointly by Donny Osmond, Jason Donovan and Lee Mead. I kept looking at Lee's face and wondering just how excited he was to be singing with two previous Josephs! Also, I wonder if they got to talk to each other much? ALW himself ran on at the end and the four kinda posed while the BBC faded away for the end of Part 2 (apparently). A presenter (Fearne Cotton, I think) was talking to both Connie and Lee afterwards. Having both won those TV competitions (Y'know, "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria" and "Any Dream Will Do"), they'd never done that kind of thing before and were both, understandably, pretty excited. Lee was kinda speechless actually. I suppose the excitement of the huge stadium AND the two previous Josephs got to him. xD

Ooh, in a grand co-incidence, a JahATD song has just come on in Media Player. ^^

Anyway... Have spent my time recovering from Barcelona mainly by catching up on various Internet 'duties' and listening to BBC7. xD I also ended up watching some NON-cutdown versions of DW Confidential, which is wonderful. I hate that they cut out all the interesting bits and only air the full-length just once. >>

Day Two
Used the Bus Turistic to catch a lift to the Casa Batllo. When Mum came here previously, she found a great model somewhere and it sits on our fireplace, only the modeller took some artistic license with it. I was expecting it to be more colourful, not be covered by trees, and not have buildings on either side. The one on its right actually looked like someone had plonked a Dutch house there! It had those distinctive steps on the front of a pointed roof.
I took loads of pictures, which was hard. I had to keep up with Mum and Sisterling, listen to the audio guide, avoid other tourists AND balance my camera to be able to get a picture, which took a while to get the hang of. I didn't manage to get any pictures between the first room with the mushroom fireplace until the dining room because of that. Also, the sun is a lot brighter in Barcelona (even on cloudy days) so I had to look out for silhouetted pictures, which I ended up taking quite a few of.
Mum hadn't been to the loft/roof when she was last there, so we got to explore it. There was someone actually refurbishing a wall down one corridor; We spotted him as we passed.
After that, we again used the bus to go around to the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's life work and unfinished cathedral-church. It is quite magnificent, although it has huge Catholic influence and a very stupid concentration on Mary in its facades. There were HEAPS of people there, so we didn't attempt to go up the towers. The queues for the lifts had signs saying people had an entire hour to wait! And there were STILL people joining the queue!
Just as we queued to get back on the bus, the sun started to disappear behind clouds. It got cold and windy, so I had to take off my hat to avoid messing up my hair just by repeatly replacing it. We decided to make the most of our last day with the Bus Turistic tickets and went round to its 'green' route (using the other two, red and blue, to get to it). Unfortunatly, they had a mess-up with the tape, so we missed most of the interesting facts it could have given us. It was almost funny, sitting at a stop and listening to it repeatly announcing the wrong stop until they finally got it right and we cheered. xD
It was after another ridiculously expensive dinner on the Ramblas that Mum looked at one of our guide-books and discovered that it had been a public holiday that day, hence the sheer number of people. Hm.

Day Three
I wasn't feeling well this day. We went walking through the Gothic Quarter and looked at Barcelona's only official cathedral (out of the three that are big enough to be them, which includes the Sagrada Familia), before I felt too sick to continue. It was just my luck that, yet again, my period started in the middle of a holiday. I felt really awful, especially as we spent most of the morning in the hotel, effectively ruining that day for Mum and Sisterling.
When I felt better, we took the Funicular train up Montjuic, where we had lunch and walked to the castle on the top. We'd originally planned to have a trip on the cable car, but it has been closed since Christmas for work and won't be opened till late July. I spent every moment I could sitting down, as apparently my joggers are not good walking shoes and my foot was starting to hurt on top of my usual period pains.
For dinner, we found a wonderful restaurant just off the Ramblas, just for our last evening in Barcelona. xD

Day Four
This day we packed our bags, deciding to check out as late as we possibly could because our flight was late in the afternoon. We packed, and then walked down to the Columbus column thing to go to the top. It was heavily graffitied and had a slightly sloping floor, but had great views.
We then walked down to the nearest beach for morning tea, before walking back to the hotel to finally check out. They hadn't waited for us to leave before sending in the cleaning lady though, so she was in there when we got back. We finished the packing and decided to leave early because we'd run out of ways to kill time.
The rest of that day was uneventful, I suppose. We took the plane back, spotted Dad waiting for us just before the immensely long wait for our baggage to come, and Donnie was incredibly happy to see us back. :D
That's it for now. Phew.

musicals, holiday, doctor who, access

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