Sep 24, 2011 16:03

It was wayyyy too late to write this up last night by the time I finished the episode which took forever for me to watch with all my crazy pausing and flaily hands, so...insta morning after reaction!

SPN - 7.01 - 'Meet The New Boss' - Insta Reaction )

spn: crew, super-fuckin-natural, state of the hair, oo!_pretty_colors, spn, spn:s7, spn: flailing_ep_posts

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Comments 30

amberdreams September 24 2011, 21:25:06 UTC
YES the post-leaning!!! With you on the squee and flail front, this really was a superb lead into this season, I hope they can build on its promise! :D


zimshan September 24 2011, 21:55:31 UTC

... )


amberdreams September 25 2011, 06:43:56 UTC
I am with you 100% - it was very distracting when that popped up on my computer screen - I found it quite hard to focus on the awesomeness of Crowley...


spadada September 27 2011, 21:25:57 UTC
Oh my goodness. I almost GASPED.


radiophile September 24 2011, 21:44:55 UTC
EVERYTHING IN THIS POSTTTTT :') :') :') I was so, so happy with this episode. I think actively trying not to have any expectations helped, but seriously, by ANY set of standards this was an amazing episode. I'm so glad they made it clear that Castiel wasn't God, he was just a self-proclaimed one that bit off more than he could chew.

I really hope they don't "fix" Sam too quickly, because the hallucinations are amazing and his doubt about what's real and what's not is heartbreaking and ;alsdjfl;khg Saaaaaaaam ;___;

I also hope they give Dean more of a storyline this year, instead of just reacting to things happening around him/being sad/drinking a lot.


zimshan September 25 2011, 21:42:49 UTC

Im thinking the first arc will be sams hell flashbacks which will bleed into deans issues dovetailing and coming to a head. B/c i agree its no fun anymore if the dean angst isnt GOING somewhere, you know? Im crossing my fingers it is, b/c s6 ramped it up to ridiculous proportions, this episode made me wonder how the boy is still vertical. Sam being down again, its natural for the viewer to wonder how much more can he really take? And so zooming to a breakdown at this point would seem natural at this point.


catteo September 24 2011, 23:10:38 UTC
I'm glad to find someone who is way more coherent at putting their thoughts into words than me, because YES. All of that. I loved psycho leviathan Cas at the end. Crazy eyes! And I totally agree with you about Dean's hair. Because who has time for a haircut when you are having Sam and impala issues.
Plus, the post lean? *fans self*


zimshan September 26 2011, 03:08:22 UTC

Haha, well i dont know if id call the above coherent! XD

But yes! After six years of Sam hair meta, we finally have state of dean hair meta! I was listening to chili peppers 'roadtripping' yesterday and theres a line about driving with your two favorite passengers and i thought 'ohhh dean both your passengers were incapacitated!!', of course theres no care for hair! And actually in that way it was very reverse IMTOD, huh? Where it was Sam looking at the impala all smashed up while Dean was out to the world? And it was only a couple days then but sams hair was all over the place for that one in similar vein.


sockkpuppett September 24 2011, 23:57:46 UTC
Great post! I think the b/w credits splat is *Welcome to Bizarro World*--at least so far.

I need new SPN icons. heh


zimshan September 26 2011, 02:51:45 UTC

Thanks! So are you thinking bizarro world because of the inverted colors factor? Or am i missing another link to it? I admit to being pretty clueless on the Bizarro World stuff except how its normally characterized as a pop culture reference. Which is the opposite of what this episode felt like for me at least. Like we've been in bizarro world for the last year and suddenly the world is rightside up again. That could just be me though.


killabeez September 24 2011, 23:59:52 UTC
I completely agree with all that you say. :D This was the best season opener for me since season 2. I was nothing but glee from beginning to... well, almost the end. I thought the very end (with maniacally laughing Cas) was kinda silly, but then, I can go with it. My delight is sufficient for all manner of silliness.

(I don't believe the evil cackling monster that Cas is really dead. I think he's still in there. But we won't see him for a while!)


zimshan September 26 2011, 21:11:26 UTC
This was the best season opener for me since season 2.
I'm relieved to see you say that, because I thought the same thing at first. Which made me feel really silly because that's IMTOD! And this is S7, there must be something wrong with my brain, yes?? But it's true, I haven't been this thrilled with an opener in years. Just a start true, but it's always nice to have a great one right out of the gate.

I waffle over the 'is Cas dead' issue though. Mostly because I think it makes the premiere more powerful if that is the last we see of him (alive, that is). And because the evil cackling monster was talking in plural like there's multiples of them that stuck behind, which makes me assume they'd have to blow Cas's body up to get out. Aren't Leviathans supposed to be huge beasts anyway?


killabeez September 26 2011, 21:17:35 UTC
I've been working hard out on our property all weekend, so haven't had a chance to post about this episode, but yeah, two days later, I am still giddy.

My feeling that Cas is still alive is based on the patterns of the show. When they tell us awful, game-changing things through the mouths of evil creatures, they usually turn out to be lies. (See: Ruby, Crowley, Lucifer, Zachariah, Azazel, etc.) Also, they have a track record of bringing fan favorites back one way or another (Jess, Ellen, Gabriel, Jo, John, Mary, Bobby, Cas himself once already, etc.) Basically, I feel like the show has given us no reason to trust the word of evil, maniacally laughing monsters about the fact that Castiel is really dead.

As for Cas's body, well, Lucifer already blew Jimmy to smithereens once. It didn't take. :D

I don't know, it could be that I am wrong, wrong, wrong about this, and if so, I'll eat my words with ketchup. But at the moment, I'm feeling about 70% sure.


zimshan September 27 2011, 00:30:38 UTC
Oh, no, yea sorry, I wasn't being clear. I get not trusting the Leviathan about Cas being dead inside right now definitely. I'm just wondering, considering the poignancy of the last pure!Cas bit, if this is the last real glimpse we'll see of him, if indeed his body has to give birth to huge beasts that will serve as the big bads for the rest of the season (but perhaps the credits black ink explosion visual is getting to me too much?).

I agree, he could always come back in some reincarnation for an episode or two because the show loves to do that, but I get the feeling him coming back at all in full capacity would undercut the arc they played here. Like Ellen and Jo and Henricksen all came back for one-offs after their death but they were separate entities divorced from the full-characters that they once played. Who knows though! I'm just all grabby hands and want friday to be here already! :D


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