Sep 24, 2011 16:03

It was wayyyy too late to write this up last night by the time I finished the episode which took forever for me to watch with all my crazy pausing and flaily hands, so...insta morning after reaction!

UGHHHHHH, GUYSSSSSS I HAVE FEELINGS. MASSIVE HAPPY PUPPY DOG AND RAINBOWS SQUEE KINDA FEELINGS. I FORGET WHAT TO DO WITH THESE!!! I had like RIDICULOUSLY HIGH EXPECTATIONS that I felt were quite stupid to have after witnessing the last four years. BUT THEY WERE TOTALLY MET. AWESOMELY. PERFECTLY. I...can't even remember a premiere I loved quite as much as this one.

1) Sam and the Hell flashbacks. CHECK. HOLY CRACKERS they didn't waste a lick of time on that one! Loved Luci showing up in the end (totally a surprise on my part, I missed the guest credits!) and making him question his own reality after he was so sure he had it under control on his own. OH SAMMMMMM. Next episode should be by all accounts DELICIOUS! Bring on the mental psych dealings!

2) Dean and his left over Hell drinking problems, only getting more obvious about it I see! HI SAM EXPLICITLY COMMENTING ON IT. (Is that a first???) I've been thoroughly saturated in Winchester despair over my Dean vid for the last two weeks, and I was VERY impressed to see they matched the tiredness and weariness and loss of hope in Dean perfectly from the last two episodes to this one. I think we're gonna be living somewhere in the vicinity of 03:14 for the first half of the season now, which I am totally and ABSOLUTELY content with. Also, shallow note, but the man was SMOLDERING in this episode. That post leaning he was doing in that Crowley summoning scene, good God. *fans self*

3) Cas was just ego-tripping. HE WASN'T GOD. I was so stubborn about this...basically since the finale, and was just sorta holding down and waiting for confirmation before I started ranting about the nonsensicalness, I was ELATED to have seen it pay off! This was me throughout half of the episode until Death showed up: ‘WHY IS HE CALLING HIMSELF GOD. WHY IS DEAN BUYING THIS?? HE ATE UP SOULS. GOD WASN'T IN PURGATORY, WAS HE???? STOP SAYING 'GOD'. CHUCK IS STILL OUT THERE SOMEWHERE!’ And then Death comes and laughs and is all "I know God. And you sir, are NO God" AND I JUST JUMPED UP AND DOWN ALL OVER. Thank you show for being sensible and continuing on my same wavelength. We're cool again. *high fives*

4) DEATH. HOLY CRAP HE IS AMAZING. LIKE EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES IS GOLD. LAUGHING FOREVER AT THE FRIED PICKLE CHIPS. Dean bringing him them as an appeasement and Death's all I CAN'T BE BOUGHT DEAN and then he sits down and ENJOYS THEM THOROUGHLY ANYWAY. Isn't his fast food obsession one of the most amazing character quirks ever???

5) THE NEW CREDITS. Talk to me about them. It's a white canvas. And black ink splashes onto the canvas to reveal that which was hidden. Suddenly the title letters are outlined and we can see it. What is hidden that can suddenly be found by splashing black ink on it? My first thought was God. He's been hidden (even though he was RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM at one point) and maybe Death reveals him? But I think it works with the whole SamnDean thoughts too. THe black vs white does seem to communicate to me Death vs God. But then the slimey end is VERY B-movie like, which I guess will complement the Leviathan story. Did I spell that right? Or the Leviathan's are the black splashes and God reveals himself to right wrongs that were never supposed to be. He planned the apocalypse to show the humanity the power of itself. But the Leviathans he locked up himself and were never supposed to get out? Perhaps I'm overthinking this too soon, it is only the first episode. What's everyone else's thoughts?

6) Omg THE COLOR META. Serge was working in OVERTIME HERE! The Reds, the blues, THE GREENS, IN THAT CHURCH DID YOU SEE THAT???? The green window went from the background of the corrupt reverend to the corrupt Cas?? And per the new credits, there was a lot of white vs black shots too, I'm not sure if this was planned or I just started noticing it after the credits. The reds and blues were in full power, but when Cas started deteriorating, the red on his face, with the blue of his tie. AND THEN THE REDS AND BLUES IN THE CAMPAIGN OFFICE. OVERWHELMING. We also had that Death scene with the wife and husband shot back to back, one white robe with a blue background, one black robe with a red background. I found that interesting given the white/black credits and red/blue of the series. As a note, Sgriccia always tends to have the most extensively interactive color palettes in his episodes, he either has a much more color thinky brain or works with Serge more on it? IDK. It was interesting though. There was a bunch of red set things all lined up on the counter in between Dean and Sam during their first talking scene in Bobby's kitchen and I swear that's new. They use to be regular boring metal. /crazy color talk b/c we do have more important things to talk about, like...

7) SAMNDEAN!!! Ugh, like EVERYTHING. I'm just drawing hearts around it all. Dean's hair growing out because while Sam was under, he just couldn't give to two fucks about anything but fixing the Impala and worrying over Sam (THAT'S MY CANON AND I'M STICKING WITH IT). Sam going to tell Dean about his hallucinations and then stopping when he hears Dean talk about wanting a break, because HE THINKS DEAN DESERVES THAT. AND WHAT CAN HE DO REALLY? SAM HAS IT UNDER CONTROL. (Or so he thought, poor boy, he tried). I was actually alittle surprised just how 'with it' and 'together' Sam was in his lucid moments. He had this inner strength thing going, both in that decision, and then standing by it when Dean confronted him about it. And him standing up to Dean on the Cas deal, that carried straight over from 6.20 and 6.21, Sam standing up to Dean FOR Dean. Which is my favorite thing in the world. Him just going and calling Cas himself, I thought was a really HUGE deal. (That overhead crane shot and the overwhelming reds were just so very striking, small picspam I do believe it's calling to me). ALSO, LOVED BOTH WHERE THIS WAS GOING AND WHERE THIS TURNED: "Yea, but I was gone a couple times myself and you never gave up on me” “Yea, and it turns out you’re about the same open book you’ve always been..." OH MANNNN MORE OF THAT PLEASEEEE. THAT’S THE RESENTMENT DEAN STILL HAS BURIED DEEP AS CAN BE BUBBLING UP DUE TO THIS CAS THING BEING ALLUSIONS OF SAM S4. I can’t tell you how much I want this season to be able to allow Dean to start lancing those wounds that he’s shoved down for so long that have infected him so utterly and completely. And this was such a perfect start. With Sam just being honest and calm but insistent and laying it out and telling it to him like it really is to clear shit up. BROS TALKING ABOUT THEIR 101 MILLION ISSUES, YO, BRING IT ON, I’LL LAP IT UP.

This is why Sera Gamble and Phil Sgriccia have always been THE DREAM TEAM in my eyes and I have no clue why they haven't been paired together more often.

I saw the end coming from a mile away but they gave just as much justice to Cas’s character as I thought they would. I thought it worked exactly as it should have worked, given how they’d set up the storyline. Cas couldn’t just be fine after that, after EVERYTHING, the massive scale that this storyline went on, those beasts were CLEVER as Death said so there was no way it was that easy, but they awarded Cas with some parting empathy moments in a right and proper way for a character who’s been a part of the show for three seasons. And I never doubted that they would give him that. I thought it was PERFECT and WORKED and I LOVED IT. (Also? ABSURDLY OVER-THE-TOP GOOFY/CRAZY Leviathan controlled Cas? DEAR GOD BRING ON 7.02!)

It’s not very often I say FLAWLESS, but...yea I kinda think the whole damn hour was flawless. I was all laughs and smiles and jaw drops and flaily hands. For any premiere that is spectacular. For SEASON SEVEN premiere? I REALLY DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW THEY DO IT. Whatever these people are taking, I want it mass produced and given out to all of tv writers/crews, please. You can skip Thursday night NBC shows, I do believe they’ve already gotten a horded stash of their own.

FINALLY. SLOWWWW RIDEEEEEEE. TAKE IT EASSYYYYYY. *waves hands in the air* Ugh, what a kickass way to start the premiere. (Interesting contrast to last year too, yes? The year Sam was in Hell, there was no awesome kickass classic rock song opener, this year? We’re BACKKKKKKKKKKK!)

spn: crew, super-fuckin-natural, state of the hair, oo!_pretty_colors, spn, spn:s7, spn: flailing_ep_posts

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