09/09-09/16: 'We Love The Women That Fandom Hates' [A Multi-Fandom, Multi-Media Love Fest!]

Sep 07, 2011 00:25

OF INTEREST! Via missambs's pimp, a FANTASTIC idea you all must be alerted to...

A multi-fandom, multi-media, multi-language female character love fest!:

'We Love The Women That Fandom Hates'

Claims and sign ups going on now!

Still deciding myself, maybe I'll finally do that meta picspam on Jen Lindley that I've been itching to do for years. Battling my intense Leslie Knope love because she's the one female character I can think of who legitimately doesn't fit this (How is she so AWESOME, guys, HOW??? Crossing my fingers all summer S4 doesn't fuck it up! [TOTALLY OT, but I've been searching for a vid song for her for AGES now and I'm excited as hell to have finally found one! So you know, look forward to seeing that sometime in the next CENTURY at the rate I'm going lately...]).

fandom:creative, lj, women, fandom, flist

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