Happy New Year + my goals for 2021

Jan 01, 2021 19:23

Happy New Year!

In many ways, yesterday was the best New Year’s Eve in many years. Usually, it’s a day that tends to make me thoughtful and sad, but this year I felt so much more hopeful and excited.

As for the day itself... it was pretty quiet here. The original plan was to stay at mom’s place for the New Year, but as she’s still not done with everything after moving, we decided to stay here instead. We watched the fireworks at midnight from my veranda - and actually saw quite a bit, and maybe more than we used to at the old house. I missed hearing the ferry horn signal at midnight, though. I don’t know if I heard it in the distance or not, as there was so much noise from the fireworks nearby that might have drowned the more desirable sound out.

When the fireworks quieted down, we went back inside and played Animal Crossing for a while. There was a special event in the game, counting down to and celebrating the new year, so even though I’m not a party goer, I got to go to a New Year party in there - complete with a cool, silly hat for my character.

Today? I feel like I spent most of the day sleeping. I slept until late in the morning, then again in the afternoon. Other than that, I ironed some clothes (the first time I’ve done that in my new flat), watched/listened to the Champions Chess Tour from TV, watched a bit of Tour de Ski (without Norwegians in it this year, as our skiing federation chose to not send a team because they don’t trust the Covid-prevention measures in other countries. Psh!), and played some more Animal Crossing and Mario 35.

Nice start to the new year.

As for how the year should hopefully continue... let’s have a look at:

My goals for 2021

1. Lose some weight.
2. Get out of the door as often as possible.
3. Read at least one book per month.
4. Keep a diary almost daily, without falling out of the habit. (DW, Dayone app or paper all count).
5. Use a paper planner to keep track of appointments etc - do not rely 100% on the phone for this.
6. Work on my Czech. Actually get better at it, not just dreaming of being better.
7. Become more independent.
8. Learn programming (Swift).

holidays:new year, personal:goals

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