Fun with a new font

Oct 24, 2020 18:31

Sometimes, there are lovely things to learn on Dreamwidth. The other day,
cosmolinguist posted about the Atkinson Hyperlegible fonts. Because I'm easily intrigued when it comes to fonts, I decided to download these and try them out. Right now, I've made it the default font in Firefox, but I haven't had enough computer time to try it out in other apps, or while writing a longer text.

However, the first impression is that I like it. Some characters - like the small letter q, for example - are really unique looking, and I feel like the line spacing is slightly bigger than with other fonts I've tried. This is good, and I can imagine that it can be ideal for reading on a screen. But also, I have to admit that it doesn't feel like a massively different font to what I was already using, either. I had been using Ubuntu fonts as my browser defaults already, and the change to Atkinson Hyperlegible went smoothly - I haven't had many "what the %$# did I just do to my font settings?"-moments at all.

... the only one might be related to the number 0. The number has a line through it, in order to differentiate it from the letter O. Not unusual, as this is how it's done in coding fonts, for example, but the Atkinson Hyperlegible number zero is... somehow less beautiful than the rest of the font, to my eyes. It just feels differently designed and strange, but I guess I can get used to it, now that I know how it looks.


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