A sign from the universe!

Jul 06, 2012 23:04

Or at least from my blood. But am I going to heed it? Nah.

So I had an appointment to get a tattoo tomorrow, nothing big, just a 'K' on my shoulder to go with the tattoo Keith got on our first anniversary. Very small and tasteful. Being on coumadin (blood thinners) I did some research into the viability of this idea, and decided it was going to work out, or at least the risks were ones I was willing to take, and as my level has been steady the tattoo dude agreed to ink me up. So I get my blood checked on Thursdays and this awesome nurse lady calls me on Fridays to tell me if I need to change my dose, but for the last few months I have been right on target between 2 and 3, so I thought everything would go smooth.

No. When I finally got home tonight at 9:30 the message from my nurse informed me I need to take some precautions against falls and such as my INR is 5.0. Which is really high. If I try to get a tattoo I will just make a big messy blood puddle on the shop floor as I will not clot at all really. Bummer.

I am going to try and prevail though, and have to go get retested on Monday. Hopefully by Wednesday I will have some cool new skin art to show off to select people.

P.S. If you are a person who has contact with Keith please don't mention any of this to him as it is a surprise. He knows about the high INR of course.

Now I am off to inspect myself for exciting new bruises!
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