Live Journal is Alive?

Dec 09, 2011 20:53

Hey, I have not used this socializing tool for quite some time. Years, I think, although I do on occasion post comments to others...

BTW, if you're not one of ,y close real-life friends you can ignore this; nothing really interesting here.

I see one reason I have not used this journal in so long. I am a terrible typist. There have been like 8 mistakes already. I not able to watch the screen and type either, so I only catch them when I glance up on occasion. I think high school should have prepared me better for life...

My cats have developed a strange fascination for knocking the powerade bottle tops off of counters. We have a lot of them now as Keith is back on self-imposed fluids only diet after coming home from the hospital. The dietician suggested we salt everything, even water, for him so he stays hydrated. The powerade seemed like a better option.

I am once again mad at my father. I will not go into details here, but as I was helping him assemble his brand new flatscreen tv I may have over reacted to somethings he was saying and shouted at him, and stormed out. I would really prefer to just estrange myself form him like my brother has done, but Keith says we can't and also I read an article about how if you cut off contact with your family your children are much more likely to do the same to you, and I would not like my future offspring to cut my out just because I am a bit fucked up. Which I know I am, see reference of my own parentage. So I am muddling through. Perhaps I will call him next week and try having an open and honest talk. I did manage to broach the subject of my Grandmother's ashes (currently hanging out in my dad's spare room) with a cousin. This is a cousin with whom my dad is not speaking to any of that particular brother's family, and tentatively we could scatter her in the spring. Yay, facebook.

Anyhow, I'm just doing this to kill time until I call Liz, which I think I'll try now.
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