Title: Want It, Need It
Fandom: Adam Lambert
Characters: Tommy, Ashley, Brian
i_amthecosmosWord Count: 100
Warning: Mentions of addictive kid's TV show.
Disclaimer: This is just for fun. None of it is true, and I make no money from it.
Notes: For the glam_100 prompt "Obsession".
“Tommy, we think you have a problem.”
Tommy looked over his shoulder. Ashley, Rick and Brian were all standing there, looks of concern on their faces. Tommy tried not to be irritated, because hello, he was busy here, but he said “Okay. What’s the problem?”
“Don’t play dumb, Tommy. You’re distracted, you sit by yourself for hours, and you don’t talk about anything else. We’ve all noticed it. Even Adam knows something’s off.”
“I doubt that.” Tommy turned his attention back to his laptop. “If you’ll excuse me.”
“Fucking TV show,” Ashley said as the My Little Pony theme played.
Title: Brunoise
Fandom: Adam Lambert
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
i_amthecosmosWord Count: 200
Disclaimer: None of this is true and I make no money from it. Thanks for not Tweeting this to anyone portrayed.
“You’re obsessive.”
“No, I’m just right. This is how it’s done. You cut the leek like this.” Adam julienned the leek, and then used his knife to cut off very small bits. “See, they have to be perfectly done. They can’t be longer than two millimeters. Now you try.”
“Oh boy,” Tommy said, and he looked at the leek in front of him. He took a deep breath, and cut the leek into strips.
“Goddamnit, how am I going to learn if you don’t let me do it?” Tommy glared at Adam, who just shrugged. “This is fucking crazy!”
“It’s classic. You need to learn this if you’re going to be a cook. And you can be a cook, you’re good. But making a brunoise is important.”
“It’s only for garnishes and shit.”
“It’s still important. It teaches you how to really use your knife. Being a chef isn’t just about coming up with weird new flavors, it’s about technique. This is how you learn technique. Try it again.”
Tommy looked up at Adam. “How do you know this is what I want to do?”
“Because you haven’t thrown that fucking leek at me yet.” Adam smiled. “Okay, again.”