Title: Dancing In A Crowded Room
Fandom: Adam Lambert
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
i_amthecosmosRating: PG-13
Word Count: 600
Disclaimer: None of this is true and I make no profit off it. This was done purely for fun. Do not Tweet this to anyone portrayed in this fiction. Thanks.
Notes: Part of the chef AU. This takes place a few months after they meet.
“Don’t worry about what it looks like.” Adam took Tommy by the hand, trying to drag him to the dance floor. “Just dance with me. It’s just us here anyway.” It was the restaurant’s annual restaurant anniversary party, and Adam had rented a nightclub just for them. Everyone from the restaurant was there. Brad was in a corner with his new boyfriend, and Sutan was in full drag and flirting with one of the new busboys, making him blush. It was a great night. Now he just had to get Tommy on the dance floor. But Tommy was being stubborn.
“I can’t dance worth shit,” Tommy said, and he tried the pout. Adam told himself to resist, Tommy knew that Adam had a soft spot for the pout, and used it against him shamelessly. “Come on, let’s go back to the tables. It’s dark there.”
That was playing dirty. “It’s dark on the floor too. Come on, you don’t have to do anything more than just sway.” Adam put a hand on the back of Tommy’s neck and kissed him lightly. “It’ll be fun, and you look great tonight. You shouldn’t be hiding in a dark corner all night long.”
“All right. But just because you want to.” Tommy followed Adam to the middle of the dance floor, and Adam put his arms around him. Tommy let himself be pulled close, and Adam smiled. Adam kept his word and at first they only swayed. But then the music got faster, and Adam felt the itch to really dance. So he let go and let the music move him. Tommy looked puzzled at first, but then started to move as well, keeping up best he could. “You’re great,” Tommy yelled over the music. “A lot better than me.” Adam just shrugged.
“I like to dance,” he said. They danced for a few more minutes, and then they went to sit down. The tables were dark and Tommy curled up on Adam’s side, face in Adam’s neck. Adam put a hand on Tommy’s back, holding him close. “This is nice,” he said and Tommy made a noise of agreement. “Tommy…” Adam held back, not knowing how to say what he wanted to.
“Hmmm?” Tommy looked up at him, his expression a little wary. “What is it?”
Adam almost said ‘nothing’, but he couldn’t. Instead he kissed Tommy and took a deep breath.
“Will you be my boyfriend? Like, for real?” There, he’d said it out loud.
Tommy stared at him for a minute, and then laughed, disbelieving, and Adam wanted to sink into the floor. Before he could do anything, Tommy said “Are you kidding? I thought I was! What took you so long?”
Adam stared back. “Oh my God.” He laughed too, and they cackled like fiends for almost a minute. Then Adam pulled Tommy close to him. “Sorry. I didn’t realize that I should’ve said something earlier.”
“It’s okay. I thought you knew. I mean, I’m not seeing anyone else.”
“I didn’t think you were.” Adam felt relieved, that he wasn’t alone in this. “I just didn’t…I guess I was afraid I might be rushing you.”
“You’re not rushing me. You moved things along just fine. I promise.” Tommy leaned in for another kiss. “Let’s go home soon. I want to be alone with you. I mean, the party’s nice, but…”
“Yep, I agree. Time to go.” Adam pushed up from the table and took Tommy’s hand. When they got to the door, Neil waved at them.
“Have fun, don’t tell me about it!” Adam cracked up and waved goodbye.