Feb 25, 2015 21:59
I've been thinking that I need to make a new mix CD here recently. I've got a start on a playlist, but it's only about 8 songs. I've been listening to new stations on pandora, but it's not really opening my eyes to anything that I'm all like "OMG I must haz!" I heard 3005, well...I didn't really hear it so much as I saw the video and the video is pretty good. The teddy bear and the ferris wheel both work for me. And then, once I start getting into that mode, then it becomes more about what else can go on that mix? Some logic, some chance, some kendrick lamar. Stuff that is either introspective or has a groove that I can catch. i by kendrick lamar, outside by gambino, about five songs by logic. At some point I'll have to sit down and actually grab the songs, but I can't be bothered to get up from my very comfortable recliner to do so.
what to talk about...I think that theres still something in there that wants to come out, but it's just not moving out through my fingers. Eyes are still kind of wandering, trying to maybe consider. I think that I get more with the words the more that I listen to that boom bap stuff, so maybe I'll go listen to some boom bap and just happen to have a notebook and pen in my hands when I do. Radio play me that new 3 thousand and five. My son is currently climbing up the top of the back of my recliner. I think that he believes he'll get the +2 for flanking. Little does he know that I have Daddy Senses, which automatically negate any flanking bonuses that my children get. He's also using Sonic Howl, which is a +3 sonic attack directly into my eardrums. Or, at least, it just feels like he's screaming directly into my left ear canal. He's still not talking. And he's about to turn four. That shit is worrisome. Children get so much of their vocabulary during this time, and he's...just not talking. His understanding is around a 2 year old level. He gets that things have names and basics like that. Either his understanding of relationships (Inside, around, behind) or his communication for those relationships is seldom, though. It keeps me up some nights, wondering if it's just a phase that he's working through or if he's going to be an issue for the rest of his life. I don't mind him being an issue for the rest of my life, but I really don't want him to be a burden on his sister after I'm gone.
I don't know, man. I like to say that it's all according to Gods plan but the details in the world turns my will to grained sand. Why am I still wondering bout shit that happened ten ago? Why do I want to put pride over sense, go Elsa, let it go. Yeah, I know. These poetics need work. Only logic tells me to put in the work first. Missing connections with people who are partial reasons that I'm still here. Words are easy on a journal, actions tougher, speak louder dear. It's easy to forget all the grime and all the sweat but the poetics can't let...fuck it. Needs more boom bap.