SGA-5x14 Prodigal, 5x13 Inquisition

Nov 08, 2008 22:27

spoilers ahead...

5x14 Prodigal:
Ha, Teyla killed Michael! I hoped that Sheppard would kill Michael, I imagined like when he killed Steve (or was it Bob?). But at least we saw him chasing Michael and fighting hand to hand and on top of the tower. It was a bit cheesy, reminded me of Star Wars, but what the hell. Poor what-is-his-name, the actor of michael, he had to do not one, but two heavy fight scenes.

I would have liked the plan of the puddle jumpers firing the drones. Would have given some nice special effects. But they were gorgeous anyway, I always love pics from the city.

The handshake between Rodney and Sheppard was nice. :-)

Michael and Teyla together would have been interesting, the first Wraith-Human love interest. Well the second one, after Elia and her foster father. But Michael was beyond help, of course.

Ronon and mission reports... I had to giggle. It's cute. Amelia kicked ass!

I don't know, I don't have that much squee as I should, I think I will like it better on second watching.

5x13 Inquisition:
It was different than I imagined, come on, no handcuffs for Sheppard ?! :-) I didn't know it was a clip show. The clips were nice, but too long. I'd rather had some subplot instead of these. With the exception of the scenes of the episode Underground. I never get tired of watching Underground, he, he.

Sheppard was very honest during the trial, I was surprised by this. He still avoided the stabbing the Queen part, I always found it so endearing in season one, when he had difficulty in confessing what he had done and its consequences.

John made such a sad face, when he learned that he was charged with crimes. Aww!

When he told the jury how he and his team manged to take out hive ships, I had this image of a book in my head, written by Lt-Col. John Sheppard with the titel: "Beating the Wraith-it's never easy", lol. (And there would be a blurb by McKay in it)

The jury was clearly biased, but on the other hand, it was good to see the personal consequences of what they did, the collateral damage. They almost only fought against the Wraith, when they came to Atlantis, but when others attacked, the did not help. The Genii had to endure the Wraith culling alone, the Hoffans too, and so many others.

oh, and Woolsey! He was cool with the liason, "lock him up!" and how he won the trial.


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