still sad

Jul 28, 2006 22:25

Well, the news has had some time to wear off, but I am still thrown for a loop. Geez-bloomin'-Louise.

I've gotten past the initial shock and horror of Maddie's passing, and having reread yesterdays posting a couple of times, looking for typos and errors, I've come to the conclusion that what I wrote about "knowing her" is even more true than when I first put it down. I've decided to take much comfort in the fact that Maddie was sure of her Salvation; that, according to Clancy anyway, even at the most desperate time, she had no fear, but just flowed and glowed with love and life and faith. That is how I want to remember Maddie. Oh, and of course, keeping my organ donation card up to date. Which it is, by the way. Along with my wishes as set forth in my living will, and noted in my power of attorney the DH has. Not that there too many parts they could use, being 44 and fat as I am, plus a smoker, but even if one thing can give someone else six more years like Maddie got, it'll be worth it.

Spent the day out at my sister's house. Brother-in-law's b-day is the 30th and sis's is 14 August, so we had kind of a joint whoop-tee-doo for them. DH's ex-girlfriend, her husband, two of her three kids and a family friend our still out there, probably well on their way to being drunk by this point, (well, except the kids, they went to bed just as we were leaving, the adults, and I use that word loosely, on the other hand, are another story).

DH worked on his truck most of the day, trying to get it to run so he can use it for work instead of the old Bronco he had been, (which could single-handedly support Saudi Arabia with the amount of gas and oil it uses), and finally, got the thing running. Yee-haw! We got home tonight and there is a message on our machine, he gets to get up at 0300, (3:00 A.M.) tomorrow, just like me. Hee hee hee. And, it's a Saturday. Blaaaah! Serves him right for these last weeks where I have been running the paper routes that were his idea. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

We have Lilly, the youngest, this weekend, too, so she gets to get up and go on the routes with me. Oh, yes, THAT should be fun....NOT!

Have been writing to my son-in-law lately, who is serving his third tour of Iraq in as many years. I miss him and my daughter,(s) who still live in Alaska, miss them all so much. Miss Alaska like crazy too, especially after last week......Sheesh. It was only 90 something today, and what with that stiff breeze was actually comfortable. I was whinning about the heat, and DH says, "well, it's like this for a couple of weeks every summer.".....and you couldn't have told me this BEFORE I moved????????? :-P

Well, must be off to bed.

son-in-laws; brother-in-laws; sisters

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