SGA First Contact

Sep 30, 2008 08:23

so finally saw SGA 510 First Contact... *squee*

*squee again* this was so. much. fun.

The Good:
- not too much Keller, so that made me happy *snicker*
- plenty of McKay snark and 'tude *snicker*
- we got Daniel jackson being all snarky back and forth with McKay and not just at him, (which I appreciated, thank you Martin Gero) which was amusing as hell
- Sheppard got to be all pouty-lips protective (of Woolsey! granted I wouldn't've trusted Todd either) AND kill something nasty, in the same episode
- PLUS we got one hell of a cliffhanger that we only have to wait 2 weeks to see the continuance of!!!!

The bad:

- def. not enough Teyla. I mean we saw her in what, 1-2 scenes? any lines at all? I don't remember any. oh wait, yes I do. will get to specifics below.

The in-between:
- *snicker @ Woolsey* he tries. he really does mean well. *pets*
- not enough Ronon. but since that pretty much went hand-in-hand with not too much Keller this time 'round, I was sorta ok with it. *snicker* plus it looks like he gets to kick some serious ass next time (even though I don't watch previews)

specific things I remember, nitpicky or otherwise, in absolutely no particular order whatsoever:

- ok Rodney. WTF WERE YOU THINKING? HELLO???? DID YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT YOUR PEOPLE WERE ON A DIPLOMATIC MISSION WORKING WITH WRAITH????????????? AND THAT ACTIVATING THAT DEVICE WHILE YOUR PEOPLE WERE WITH THEM MIGHT JUST MAKE THOSE WRAITH A TEEEEEEENSY BIT PISSY???????????????????? *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* fuck the fact that you didn't know the unspecified other consequences of the device. you coulda tried to remember that simple fact and saved a lot of people a whoooole lotta trouble. *le sigh* but then we wouldn't have a lovely midseason 2-parter. *snicker*

- also Teyla? did ya really think that John Sheppard was going to let you, a relatively new mother and a member of his team, whom he has personally risked his life for on numerous occasions, stay in a room with a barely contained explosion in progress? really? *raises eyebrow* good. 'cause I didn't think you were that stupid.

- final nitpick (I think): dear writers, please stop trying to force little bonding moments onto every character with Keller. it's not pretty, nor is it necessary, mmmkay? unless that was supposed to be one of Woolsey's, in which case, you shoulda just skipped Keller altogether 'cause it was just bad. although Woolsey's speech progress was classic. *snicker*

- I loved every second of Rodney and Daniel on screen together. every. second. it was fantastic. their relationship is obviously very different than those we typically see with Rodney - he's rather competitive with Daniel, but in a different way than he was with Carter, and Daniel has a rather "if I didn't know you're always like this I'd kick your ass but you are so it's ok" attitude towards Rodney. *snicker* it's not quite a friendship, but a decent working relationship, as it allows them to get along remarkably well, though I caught a rather familiar put-upon roll of the eyes from Daniel more than once. *snicker*

- *snicker* Rodney telling Daniel to push really hard on the wall and then just waltzing through it himself was amusing as hell. rather vindictive for I don't know what reason, but amusing as hell.

- ok another nitpick after all: HOW THE HELL DID NO ONE NOTICE THE BIG FLASHING RED LIGHT IN THE ROOM???? did they not search the whole room before they sat down and started playing with the database? of course not. they just started playing with the computers. totally ignore the devices with the potential to activate as soon as someone with the gene goes near them. yes, that's totally smrt Rodney. like the Ancients never left anything lying around that couldn't harm you when activated. *nods* smrt indeed. *headdesk*

- *snickers* while yes it was amusing to see Sheppard's face when it was Rodney pointing out to Daniel that Sheppard "coulda been in Mensa", still... smrt = not seeing big flashing red button of doom. *headdesk*

- oh also? with the whole Sheppard being rather math-genius-type-thing? he probly woulda understood more than Zelenka was giving him credit for with what he was working on, my guess is either a) Sheppard was irritable and just wanted him to get on with it and tell him where his boyfriend was taken or b) the writers were just not keen on trying to explain it in detail themselves. or c) it woulda taken up too much time and they just stuck to KISS theory.

- I did kinda like that Woolsey stuck to his guns on this one and stuck to protocol - do not let both the commander and 2IC off-base at the same time. *nods* perfectly reasonable. I snickered out loud at Sheppard's response of "No promises" to Woolsey's "Try not to blow her up while I'm gone". talk about foreshadowing that didn't feel like foreshadowing. this was a good exchange between the two that ended on a light note and a good feeling - like while he may not have been Sheppard's first choice when he first arrived in the city, he and Woolsey have developed a good working relationship and it shows well here. I like that a lot.

- hmmm apparently I missed a bit of the beginning according to the transcript... *pouts*

- random aside: did anyone else think: ok and now they've arrived at the planet Hoth... *snicker*

- Todd was stalling again, even before Rodney turned on the machine and ended up blowing up two of his ships and he could yell "betrayal". I think he was even planning a takeover of the ship. why the hell else would he have had that particular stun device on his person, literally up his sleeves, ready to use, at the slightest hint of provocation? also, how the hell did he even know about the Attero device - much less what it was called? then again, how the hell does he know half of what he knows? think about it and discuss.

- I think one of my favorite pieces of exposition? is the part after Daniel and Rodney have been taken and Rodney and Sheppard are both figuring out what happened with the device activating a signal and the exposition is cut between the two of them being Sherlock Holmes. it's a fantastic piece of editing. =D

- the cliffhanger. perfection. intellectually I know they had to have gotten to safety because I know both of them are in later episodes. but. I still held my breath in an ohnotheydidn't moment as the tower exploded. and then I thought "well, Sheppard did say 'No promises' when Woolsey told him not to blow up the city..." and then I pouted when I realized that Sanctuary is a 2-hour premier this week so we won't get the second part of this ep until the 10th. but at least it's not 6 months =D =D =D

so that's it for Atlantis thoughts. am looking forward to the Sactuary premier this Friday - it'll be nice to have a good lead-in to Atlantis again. even if I'm going to have to into "quick turn the channel during commercials so I don't get spoiler previews for the Atlantis ep" mode again lol.

I'll stop rambling now I think.

atlantis, review

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