Since Christi says we ought to post more :-)

Oct 23, 2009 15:23

A story of today in triumphs and tragedies.

Triumph #1 - Lydia had a nose bleed and I didn't faint! She ran nose first into a little boy's head and mom was left to deal with the aftermath with lots of concerned witnesses. Thankfully, it didn't last all too long and I did have lots of help to run after napkins and ice.

Triumph #2 - I scored tickets to several free movies today at a local festival of faith-based movies. The girls and I watched a VeggieTales show first and we have tickets to 3 more this afternoon and evening.

Tragedy #1 - I thought the movie deal was a 1-day pass and you could pick which movies to see. When I got to the counter, I found out I actually had to get individual tickets for individual movies In a panic, I picked 4 off the list that I thought I remembered reading something about and I just got 4 tickets to each. I think they'll be good, but I think the last one deals with some rather adult issues. I really want to see it so we'll just see what happens.

Tragedy #2 - I think the bonk on the nose messed up Lydia's equilibrium today because absolutely nothing has gone right for the child since. She slammed the back of her head into a counter at lunch, annoyed her sister until said sister decked her one, refused to eat then whined about being hungry, kicked, bounced, flopped, groused, and just generally has had a bad attitude. After VeggieTales, I brought her home and sent her little 5-year-old self straight to bed for a nap.

Tragedy #3 - We are missing the second movie we have tickets for because Miss Grumpy Pants is taking a nap. My hope is that she'll actually rest and we can make it to the next movie with sunshiney faces. I was really far more interested in seeing the last 2 movies anyway.

Triumph #3 - Since we've had this little break forced on us, maybe *I* can take a nap!
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