Happy holidays, and publishing update things

Dec 28, 2008 14:01

I am slowly clawing my way out of internet desynch, having foolishly made an initial attempt right before the holidays commenced their usual brain-eating. 2147 mails in my inbox, but the good news is only 384 of them are unread!

jsridler has fallen full throttle into the livejournal thing, as I thought he would long ago, and so also made his one request before flying back to Kingston today that I manage an update, so here I am -- specifically with the news that Space and Time has purchased "Lightning Over the St. Lawrence", a poem of mine they'd been holding. It is much happiness. I picked up the summer issue of S&T at BookPeople in Austin last September, and enjoyed its poetry (and stories) greatly. In other Austin news, anguirel should, I think, be on the road toward there by now, and I have told him to hie himself to BookPeople upon arriving. I still don't have my Cold War Unicorns.

In other poem and story news, I quietly added this to my profile awhile ago, but never announced here -- I have my contract now, so I think it's officially official -- I also sold a poem, "Osteometry", to Sheila Williams at Asimov's Science Fiction, which of course I was ridiculously excited about but didn't know when I could mention it. Getting Asimov's wirelessly delivered is one of my favorite things about owning a Kindle, and it'll be decidedly weird but cool to be in its TOC. If you aren't a subscriber, you may want to pick up the current issue -- among its usual pleasing offerings it has a stirring story by Stephen King and "Lion Walk" by Mary Rosenblum, which may be the best thing I've read published this year -- I'm anxious to hunt down her Water Rites based on its excellence. After many back-and-forths, "Impress of the Hills", short hillbilly fantasy, was also officially accepted by Spacesuits and Sixguns last month or thereabouts.

Check out the new Ideomancer Livejournal group if you get a chance, too. I never mentioned largely because I wondered if we were supposed to be a sort of mysterious shadow council, but I've been reading slush for the magazine since May or so, and hopefully will be pitching in more as time goes on. Mentioned there recently is ecbatan's review of Ideomancer this year, which includes a nice note for George S. Walker's wonderful "Zorroid", the first thing I fished out for them (no credit to me; Walker wrote a great story, I was only fortunate to be a minor conduit -- I link it here mainly because you should go read it). I've always liked the magazine, from mission to content to staff and so on, so this is fun, and the LJ group is newly pretty and organized. Expect great things, if so inclined.

I'm half starved, so I think that's all for now. Hope that you all had a terrific holiday of your choice, and hopefully are still so having. I'm off until Friday, which is nice, and working on slowly un-congealing my brain. I have managed to keep fairly up on twitter, if any of you are there, and I updated dopplr with at least the next three months' planned travel. Inch by inch and all that. :)

travel, writing, philomath, publication

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