Dec 09, 2006 20:14
What the fuck am I doing? Its friggin impossible too make enough money too cover rent when Lailani spends all of mine and doesnt make any of her own. She spent 50$ in TWO FRIGGIN DAYS. Anyhow, acourding too my calculations, if I dont spend any money, and I stop smoking, and it stops raining so I can work.... Ill be 150$ short on rent. Im hoping I either get welfare by that time (cash, not foodstamps, because I already have fucking foodstamps) or Zelda pays me the 155$ she owes me, or job corps pays the 230$ they STILL owe me, or Lailani gets a fuckin job and stops spending my money... (man, if I only had too pay my share of the rent and utillities and feed ME....) Anyhow, I still love her. I still want too be with her, I just cant friggin affourd to take care of her, and she doesnt seem too understand that. I can BAIRLY affourd too take care of myself, thus the foodstamps and the welfare. Im considering selling my guitar, but 1.I promised that I never would, and 2.It wouldnt even give me enough money too make this months rent.
I wish I knew people that would pay me too kill, because at this point I would KILL for some fucking financial stability.