Title: Betrayal & Loyalty
nuraicha and
zetastationPairing: Belldom (eventually), Matt/Female
Rating: PG-13 (for this chapter, NC-17 overall)
pwoperninjaelfWARNINGS: general wrongness, age difference, het stuff, underage sex. Language for this chapter.
Summary: AU. While still reeling from his parents' divorce, Dominic's mother introduces him to her new boyfriend, which only serves to make things more complicated in the broken household, as Matthew instantly catches Dom's eye.
Disclaimer: This is fiction and we don't want to offend anyone. We aren't making money out of this. We don't own Muse, just the plot and the original characters.
Author's note: Here we are again! Did we already mention how busy we are in real life? Therefore, we can't give for granted anymore at a 100% level we'll be able to post monthly, but we'll try, of course ;)
We hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading! :D
Chapter 3