Ok I've been working on pictures for the past couple of hours and I think I have all the ones ready I'd like to post edited. I'm going to post these in a series of posts over the next couple of days cause there are just so many I'd like to share. I've kept them relatively small but I'll put the majority of them behind a cut so if you don't want to look at them or you have a slow connection it won't clutter up your friends pages. Carol (or anyone) if you would like copies of all the originals in their larger sizes for printing let me know. I'd be more than happy to make a copy of all the pictures on a cd and send it to you.
Ok Here goes:
This picture is my pride and joy from the trip. Although it does not look like much when it is small like this. In it's original size it's much clearer. I was so happy to catch this picture. Jack and I were in a row boat much further away than it appears in this picture. There were actually two loons on the lake that day and we got as close to them as we possibly could. The Loon (I'm assuming the female) not in this picture swam away as quickly as possible , this guy however stuck around trying to scare us off and protect his territory. I looked this up on a website about loons and they called this the loon's penguin dance. They stand up in the water as high as they can get and puff themselves up to appear bigger than they really are in an attempt to scare away any threats or predators. I guess they call it that because they kind of look like penguins when they do it. Anyway I used my zoom and tried to be as still as possible which is not easy in rowboat and snapped a couple of pictures. Then we took off and left the poor loons alone. This picture of the loon beginning his dance is the only one that turned out. The others were blurry due to the rocking of the boat.
More pictures from camp: (Temporary cut removed)
These are the signs at "The Sandy Place" that point to all the various camps along Mountain View Lake.
The road to Camp Frances.
Camp Frances
Jack in front a giant tree. I believe it's a White Pine, but I'm not sure.
Jack at Camp Frances sitting in front of the wood stove going crazy over Honeycomb.
Here Jack is standing next to a Fairy Ring in a section of their property they call "The Wedge". It's a pine forested area with a very mossy floor. It would be a very comfortable place to camp for a night. The bugs were so bad while we were there we had to wear nets to keep from being eaten alive. If the bugs hadn't have been so bad we might actually have spent a night out there. Maybe we will do that next year if we go later in the season.
Alright I think that is plenty for now....besides I need to get to work on some of my homework, boo! I started my summer class yesterday and forgot that I have two assignments due tomorrow! More pictures to come later on.