Aug 06, 2007 11:27
so, the placement is going great. Working at the hotel over the weekend (2x 8hr shifts) is fucking awful, but I've applied for a new line, answering home insurance queries - its bound to get tedious but its £7.70 an hour, 3 evenings a week 5-8 then saturdays 9-5. Hardly a dramatic effort, shifts in decent hrs for a change, and £110 a week for 16 hrs! So fingers crossed i'll get it. Its closer to where i'll be living, doesn't involve crap managers and is generally a nice change. Will find out this week.
So sick of working all weekend...on 2 early's this week, 7am-3pm sat and sun, and have decided that if i get offered the direct line job this week (will know by fri),gonna work saturday's but bunk sundays. I just want time to myself lol!
Today is a fluky day off, Caron and Sushil have a meeting to go to and so will be out of office all day. So i got the day off. The productive bug has taken hold, which is great - i've spent all morning sat downstairs (at the table, much better for concentration) rounding off articles for the Hype, only three to go now, woo!
Have also recently started re-drafting 'On The Road', a teenage style fiction i started in 2002. I dismissed it as childish but it has so much potential - on re-reading i realised its quite possibly the best plot i've ever come up with - it has real backbone, something i struggle with, and so i'm re-writing it, older and wiser.
I miss Uni. I miss the lifestyle, the people, the routine...i adore living with matt, dont get me wrong - waking up with your boyfriend every single day is amazing. But as much as my placement is keeping me occupied, i want to get stuck in to my 2nd yr, i'm so excited for the modules, and really miss the social side - i can barely go out atm due to either working earlies on weekend, or the fact that i'm up to go to my day job weekdays...and skint. lol awaiting wages to come through.
I want to move into the house too, argh, i'm so excited and desperate to move in properly and make my room my own. Desk issue is solved as mum and dad are giving away their huge computer desk from the dining room, its great! will fit perfectly.
leeds festival soon!! i keep forgetting, and then suddenly remembering and going "shit, i have so much to buy!!" want some new clothes i think, maybe some band tees...want wellies for this year too, i reckon it may be a neccessity. Hopefully the great weather we're having now will occur that weekend...but...this is england.
meeting jane and lauren and their mates who are joining us on the wed - we're all (including matt, who, excitingly, has the thurs off this yr) staying at the house the night before to make it easier to go on the thursday. I have a feeling this yr is gonna be a great yr.
Taking a detox from weed, was getting a tad regular...its frightening how habitual it is. Since the week in the house, which was the first time i'd smoked in ages, its been creeping the past two weeks its been nearly every other day. So deciding a break is much needed until the festival, obv. then after that i'll probs leave it alone for a while...
got a bit nervous about the news and the 'increases chances of psychosis/depression by 40%' thing, until i was informed that actually rasises the chance from 1% to 1.4%. stupid media.
still, not good for your health. Whether the 'as bad as 5 cigarettes' thing is true i' unsure, as i was told it was actually better than a cigarette @ gsce as it contains less tobacco. lord knows.
anyhow, lunch and then re-drafting. going out for a bite to eat and drinks tonight with the other projct people - we've started a nice little group thing, its cool...
sam xxxx