I don't think i've hated any book more so than Brave New World.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_Worldhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_State I despise this book with my entire soul. I hated how the entire world was fucked up, and h--- just everything. It makes me want to run my hand under boiling-hot water just thinking about it.
Any other books that y'all out there read [forced or otherwise] and just hated so much?
And ironically enough, I hate Brave New World, but love Fahrenheit 451, must have read F451 five or six times through High School... atleast in 451, there was some hope left at the end...
Edit: Slaughterhouse-Five was another book I thought was total shit too... The Catcher in the Rye too, but that's a distant third.