Retake Gaza and the West Bank. Why they gave it up to the "Palestinians" in the first place is beyond me.
Ever since Israel was created, they've been attacked constantly. And yet the Jews keep letting themselves get attacked...
These other countries don't like what the Jews are doing? Good, then they can take in all of these "Palestinians" when the Jews kick their asses out of Israel's territory. Why don't they all go to Jordan, Turkey, Russian, or wherever.
Oh wait, they don't want them. No one does.
Not that I'm a Zionist, I'm not. But what Israel did was fine, and legal. Perhaps an overreaction, and is it horrible that some lives were lost? No. Perhaps. Sure, why not.
And WHY THE FUCK IS NOW EVERYONE BLAMING THE UNITED STATES!? "As Israel's largest ally is the United States, they too should have sanctions placed upon them for their crimes against Humanity."
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GET THE FUCK OUT. Listen to the Arabs spin this to their needs. It's sickening.
You see? This is why i'm an Isolationist. FUCK THE REST OF THE WORLD. Let them kill each other, what the fuck do I care? But the minute, THE FUCKING MINUTE that anyone should fuck with us? Vaporize them. Turn whatever piece-of-shit country they come from into a fucking parking lot or staking rink.
Jesus Christ, the world's lost its mind. 2012 cannot come fast enough.
Why does the United Nations allow such filthy, hate-mongering groups like this? ---
Also. Eurabia, and "Reconquista".