Louis Farrakhan Rants of His Divine Stature

Mar 02, 2010 15:06

Courtesy of Fox News,(http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/02/28/white-right-wants-obama-term-president-farrakhan-says/):

"The word 'prophet' is too cheap a word. I am a light in the midst of darkness," Farrakhan said at the annual convention of the movement that embraces black nationalism. "It ain't ego, it's my love for you."

Oh, of course it's not "ego." After all, Louis Farrakhan is the divinely ordained savior of all black people. Here's why he knows so ...

Farrakhan spent most of the fiery nearly four-hour speech recounting a 1985 vision he had in Mexico. Farrakhan has often described how he believes he was invited aboard an unidentified flying object he calls "the wheel" where he said he heard the late Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad speak to him.

He said that experience led him to inklings about future events, including the United States' 1986 bombing of Libya.

Farrakhan recounted how his divine knowledge has allowed him to recognize countless warning signs over the decades -- such as natural disasters such as the earthquake in Chile -- and said they indicate impending trouble, including for Obama.

Well, who can argue with that? Wheels don't lie, after all.

Supporters say Farrakhan's words are often taken out of context.

Do tell.
Taken from Jordan's page. jordan179 

seriously?, are you fucking kidding me?, racism, islam, race card

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