Don't walk on eggshells for me, I'm not as fragile as you think

Jun 01, 2006 00:36

Today's been another slow day... I slept in late cause I didn't bother going to bed until like 5am again... I need to stop doing that.
 I did help out in the garden though, so I'm not totally lazy.
Then spent a while clearing some stuff off my computer. I never realised just how much space things like Lost, Alias, Supernatural took up.

For a few weeks now I've been building up a wallpaper collection. I never thought I was really that good at them, but lately I think I'm improving and I decided that I have enough now to add them all to a new section of my site: .
Take a look and let me know what you think :P
I think most people on my FList have already seen these though. I'll add more as I make them, and I'll probably be adding other stuff too like icons.

Also I've been collecting some awesome X-Men icons. Nice, huh?

Edit: Does anyone know how to turn off the fucking rich text editor? It's a pain in the ass and keeps fucking up everything I write.
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