Apr 30, 2006 01:36
This is just a mental / internet note to myself because I have a lot of crap to do. But I love making To-Do lists and crossing stuff off. So here goes.
~For tonight (Thursday):
* Clean apartment
* Clean Penny's litter box
* Decorate apartment
* Watch ER :)
* Do grocery shopping (and get food for picnic on Monday)
~For tomorrow (Friday):
* Work at Children's, 7-7:30: have boss sign sheet for temporary work permit
* Work on narratives
~For Saturday:
* Work at Forest View in the AM
* Pick up cat with Matt, spend time with both
* Work on narratives
~For Sunday:
* Work on narratives
* Work on class invitations
~For Monday:
* Turn in packet of graduation stuff / pay bills
And now, for the super-updated one:
Tonight / this morning is Sunday, April 30th, 2006. Before I go to bed, I will:
* Write letters to bridesmaids and get everything in packages
* Email the people at Children's and tell them to hurry up with the job interview
* Finish my Care Plan from last week and email it to Linda
* Revise my Group Process paper and email it to Dr. S
* Maybe work on the class picture
Tomorrow morning will be Sunday, April 30th, 2006. After I wake up and eat breakfast (mmm, bacon), I will:
* Do laundry
* Drop off film (x 2 rolls, yeah I got kittens)
* Possibly work on my Leadership Final
* Get my season pass
* Go to Six Flags
* Come home and finish class picture, get to Kinko's
* Do Leadership Final
* Go to WalMart or something to get stuff for frames
* Do the frames, wrap stuff
For Monday, I will:
* Mail out packages to bridesmaids
* Do Thank-You notes
* Pick up Honor Cords
* Ask about forms for graduation and license
* Have a party at the Nursing Picnic
Things to do in the near future:
* Decorate apartment
* Pick up sheets from work re: graduation and license
* Turn in graduation and license packet, pay bills :P
I gave in and we took 2 kittens. They absolutely rock. If anyone wants a kitten, let me know. The lady was about to give me the whole flippin' litter. Honestly. I'll put pictures up on MySpace or Facebook or one of those other things... :P Man, if I go to Six Flags tomorrow... :) :D
This was the stupidest update ever. Pardon it, please.