Mar 20, 2006 23:01

ph34rthesheepcat: " you will put your hand over the broom and sai Up" grompling for he new that already it dint take brain to know that , his father had bough him the firebolt and trained him with it
ph34rthesheepcat: but after a while he had only him self to train and that were his black grudge grew
ph34rthesheepcat: Something inside of me is dying right now...
zoeythehottie: lol
ph34rthesheepcat: I wonder how you gromple
zoeythehottie: as do i
zoeythehottie: ^.^
ph34rthesheepcat: *GROMPLES*
zoeythehottie: -watches- yeah...still don't get it ^.^
ph34rthesheepcat: It must be a mixture of grumble... and ... omp
ph34rthesheepcat: What verb ends in omp?
zoeythehottie: -dies laughing-
zoeythehottie: glomp?
ph34rthesheepcat: Other than glomp
zoeythehottie: ^.^
zoeythehottie: stomp?
ph34rthesheepcat: There we go
zoeythehottie: romp?
ph34rthesheepcat: Even better!
zoeythehottie: ^.^
ph34rthesheepcat: Grumbling and stomping/romping = GROMP
ph34rthesheepcat: OR it could be an acronym
zoeythehottie: true
zoeythehottie: GROMP = go run on muddy pancakes?
zoeythehottie: ^.^
ph34rthesheepcat: *DIES* XDDDD
zoeythehottie: -giggles-
ph34rthesheepcat: Gut raw ostriches meanly... p... uh... please?
zoeythehottie: GROMP = get rid of mattie's peepee
ph34rthesheepcat: *dies laughing*
zoeythehottie: or we could make that go ride on mattie's peepee ^.^
ph34rthesheepcat: That works!
zoeythehottie: -needs to get laid soon...stupid boyfriend!-
ph34rthesheepcat: GROMP ME
ph34rthesheepcat: XDDDDDD
zoeythehottie: LOL!
ph34rthesheepcat: You could just change Matty to my
ph34rthesheepcat: And it works!
ph34rthesheepcat: Damn, we're good
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