Mar 18, 2006 01:54
I think I corrupted an entire RP community.
I'm serious. At first, there were all straight boys and straight girls. And then Rei came along. With Wolfgang. Now half the male population is on the couch, half-naked for what will soon be a gay orgy. *giggles* With such comments such as "omigod EAR RAPE!" and "I think we have our own little party riiiiiiight here...", I think I've enlightened all those in that RP community about the wonders of having gay characters. Or at least, the ones who are in the 8 people AIM chats with me. I can't take all the credit for Tallie. She came like that. I just provoked her. X3
But really, it's not all my fault. When people write stuff like "breaking in Lizzie slowly", I can't help myself. It was just waiting to be taken the wrong way.
On a better note, we're all crazy. All of us now say "OH SNAP" because one of the characters does, duel with sporks and have replaced the pimpslap with the cornslap. We all win at life.
I just wish my dirty muse would stop molesting my regular muse. It's not cool.
I leave you with a quote from Aonah. It fits the scenario perfectly: "You know, its dangerous for so many gays to be together like that. You never know what they are doing."