awake in your dreams

Jul 30, 2012 11:10

Do people still use LJ???? I saw some of you post. Please confirm ;)
I have a story for your all.

I went to be last night at about 1 am. I fell asleep fairly quickly because I was tired. Then I started seeing flashing, white lights through my closed eyelids. I tried to open my eyes but it was very hard. When I finally did the lights were still flashing in my room. I tried to move to find the source of them but I could not move a muscle. I saw a silhouette entering my room, climb over me, and lay down next to me. I could not see its face. I kept trying to move but my muscles were completely paralyzed. I tried to scream: "MOM?" but all I could hear myself saying is an unrecognizable moan. My vocal cords were pretty much paralyzed too. I kept trying to move. I tried SO hard to move but it was impossible. Like I was a quadriplegic, but worse because only my eyes were moving. I was terrified. Then I woke up to a completely empty room. No body next to me, no flashing lights.

I was awake while my body was asleep.

I was so freaked out I did some research. Apparently during REM sleep your body becomes paralyzed to stop you from acting out your dreams. It is a normal phenomenon. But it is not normal for you to wake up and your body to still be asleep. Your brain is still making up dreams but you see them in your room, and feel them! How weird is that? Sounds like a concept for a new horror movie. It is more common in people with weird sleep schedules and sleep deprivation, which is what I have working nights shifts in ER.

For science nerds: motor neurons have GABA/glycine and GABAB (gamma-aminobutyric acid B) receptors which prevent your muscles from moving when their ligand binds to them. But when you "half-wake up", the receptors are still active and you're conscious. Your REM is mixing with your reality and it is freaky as shit. I wanted to run to my mommy.

...And apparently that was enough for me to update my LJ, if anyone cares... :)
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