Kohl's and what I thought was bad ... wasn't.

Dec 22, 2010 01:28

This isn't another "I can't get a job in my major field" post. It is just a post about how not all retail is created equal.

When I worked in Target I hated it, but nothing was as fucked up as it is at Kohl's.

I started the job 2 weeks ago but hated it from day one. Never in my life have I hated a job so fast... not even Target. Heck, I'd LOVE to go work at Target now.

Day 1: Training Day
Their idea of training is to spend 4 hours starting at a computer screen where all you hear is how you should kill yourself to make Kohl's happy. 4 hours and two blood shot eyes later, I was put to be trained on a cash register.... How? Well it is "Do it yourself" again. They give you a binder and expect you to follow directions without teaching you ANYTHING. The stuff I was supposed to do I did not do because it wasn't working! When I asked one of the managers to helped me, she started talking to me really slowly like I am an idiot and then making really fast movements with her hands on the cash register like she was annoyed. All the time I was thinking, "You probably did not even go to college, bitch."

Day 2 and every shift after that: closing time is 12:30 am
First of all, whose bright idea was it to make a fucking CLOTHING store stay open until 12:30 am? Even Target and drugstores do not stay open so late... and those stores actually have shit you might need at midnight, like medicine or toilet paper, or food lol.

Store manager has been on my ass ever since I started "Stacey, fold this!" "Ok..."... then I see her folding it. Oh, you meant fold it now, bitch? I am kind of busy HELPING PEOPLE! Fuck you

Second of all, the store makes ~$150,000 EVERY DAY!!!!! When they make less, like $130,000, they "try" to make us feel like shit about it. Get over it fucktards!

Third, they keep bugging poor cashiers to get customers to open their stupid store credit card. You can't fuckinbg make a customer open a card! Every time the store falls like 5 opened cards below limit, the managers all go "OMG we only opened 15 cards with a goal of 20! You all have to work a little harder tomorrow."

BOOHOOO! Your problems are SOOO BIG. You pay me $7.95 an hour. After working two weeks I barely made enough money so compensate for the clothes I had to buy to wear at your store, because you scumbags are so fucking important, everyone has to dress business casual.... fuck you!

Anyway this is the most retarded, money-hungry place I have ever worked at. I was hired as seasonal with a possibility of being hired permanently... when I saw that I was not scheduled to work past Dec 28, I was HAPPY!!! Even my mom told me to get the hell out of this shithole, and she's the one who pushed me to get ANY job in the first place. Thanks mom, I love you.

Going to work until Dec 28 to pay for gifts I bought for X-mas... but after that, see ya bitches!
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