(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 16:56

I feel like crap. It's almost 5 and i still haven't taken my bath, considering i had 12 full hours to do so. Oh well XD.

Anyway, bought more stuff than i thought i would, but when i came back home, i wasn't satisfied enough. Why? Because I'm the most forgetful person ever -_-. So it all happened when...

Sister No.1, Sister No.2 and me! decided to go out [more me! in this, but okay]. So we went to the Suga shop first, and came out with two bags. Sister No.1 puts one bag into her handbag, and i put the other into mine.

So we went on, and went into MNG. Picked out a few stuff, and goes into the dressing room. Takes off my chunky bracelet, because i didn't want it to snag any of the clothes, and tries them on. So bought the stuff [3 things altogether, and 1 free shirt!], and walked up to Sussan. So we were browsing, when my eyes caught sight of the mannequins in all these skirts and chunky bracelets. So it suddenly hit me, i didn't have my chunky bracelet on. So we had to rush back to MNG, and i went into the dressing room and retrieved it from the floor. That turned out to be, well, fruitful, and we left with yet again, 3 things and 1 free shirt.

So yeah, finished shopping, and there we were, walking, when:

Sister No.2: Penat ke? Do you want to ride the tram back?
Sister No.1: I don't know. I don't mind.
Me: Okay. Anything la.
Sister No.1: Yeah, actually i'm already tired. [yes, this is what happened XP]

So yeah, and while waiting at the tram stop, Sister No.2 decided to take pictures of the street and i just happened to be in them =D.

So we got into the tram, and Sister No.2 asks me for a tissue. I took it out of my bag, give it to her, and put it back into the bag. When our stop came, i distinctly remember telling myself, 'okay, do not forget to take the Myer bag with you.' So yeah, i came out of the tram carrying the Myer bag.

So we went for a quick stop at the pharmacy, and while Sister No.1 grabbed some stuff, Sister No.2 and me were looking for tongue scrapers. We couldn't find any, so i went to Sister No.1 and i suddenly saw all the Suga that was in her bag. And i was thinking, 'yeah, the other bag is in my...' Oh fuck. I don't have my handbag with me. So i told the sisters panicky-ly, and Sister No.2 immediately rushes out of the pharmacy, ran to the tram stop, holds her hands up telling the driver to stop [god, that was such a sight XD]. Sister No.1 and me follows her out, just in time to see the tram moving away with her in it. I was rushing toward the tram, and

Sister No.1: No, let her get it.

*so we reach the tram stop, and wait there for about a minute when Sister No.1 looks down at the stuff in her hands*

Sister No.1: Oh no! I haven't paid!

*Sister No.1 runs back into the pharmacy, leaving me laughing my ass off, even though i had lost my bag XD*

Hah. So Sister No.2 comes back while Sister No.1 was paying, saying she couldn't find it, and it probably wasn't the same tram anyway.

Sister No.2: So what was in your bag?
Me: Just my purse, my sunglasses, a few lipglosses, the Suga... Nothing really important.
Sister No.2: Your phone?
Me: Oh no!!!

And i do not know why i had my phone in my bag, since i couldn't even use it there anyway. And my handbag was definitely on the tram, because after referring to the pictures that my sister took before we rode the tram, my handbag strap could be seen, which meant that there was no way i could've left it in any of the changing rooms. Arrghh.

So after Sister No.1 makes a few calls to the tram people, we finally decide to go back and face hell, which in this case, takes the form of the mother =D. So i had the responsibility of breaking the news to her, of course, since it was my bag. So we come in and sees my mom lying down on the sofa, watching TV.

Me: Ma! I lost my bag! *in, i admit, a pretty whiny voice XD*
Mother: *immediately goes into sitting position* Ha?! Macam mana?!
Me: *tells her*
Mother: Apa ada dalam bag?
Me: Purse, phone, IC, Enrich card, Sushi King card...
Sister No.2: Hah! Sushi King card!
Me: Hey, you get 10% off, okay!
Mother: Phone? Mama punya phone dah habis battery [it uses a different charger, and she didn't bring it], kan sepatutnya guna your phone!
Me: Kenapa mama tak ask for it pagi tadi!!!

And my mom was saying how my sisters should have kept their eyes on me XD, and,

Sister No.1: Hey, it's not our fault. We thought that since she forgot her bracelet before, she would've been more careful!

Hah. Then at night, Sister No.2 says,

Sister No.2: You know, i think you leaving your bag might partially be my fault. Remember when i asked you for a tissue?
Me: Yes! So maybe when i was taking it out, my hand slipped out of the handle!
Sister No.2: Hey, don't go blaming it all on me!

Nyahaha. So technically, i have found a way to blame everyone; my mom for not asking for my phone, which would've avoided me from losing it, which bugs me the most; Sister No.1 for agreeing to ride the tram; Sister No.2 for asking for a tissue and, in my eyes, for not looking through the tram thoroughly enough =D.

So phew. And it just happened to be my last day there. But there was nothing that could be done, and i was just glad that i didn't switch to my new purse, since i did contemplate doing that, and i didn't have my camera or my iPod in my bag, and i didn't take any more money from my mom, because i kept on telling my sisters, 'i should've taken some more money from mama', and i had already spent the majority of my money, leaving my purse with all my cards, about 10 dollars, and 50 ringgit. It sucks, because now i don't have anything to fill my new purse with.

And what sucks even more, when we got into the plane, my mom asks for The Star, and it says there that to renew lost MyKads, you had to pay a fine of 150 ringgit. And they had just made up that rule! Bleaurgh. That was bloody ironic.

So yeah, i don't have my phone with me. I don't think i care that much for my phone, but i loved my number! I actually remembered it.

And seeing how yesterday was River Phoenix's 12th Deathday [meaning he would be a fine 35 year old now if he had lived =(] and Halloween, i seriously think it's an omen. While i was there, i read my sisters' roomates' The Alchemist, and it says there that you have to learn to observe the omens. And fuck, this was as omen-ish as anything else! And to make matters worse, my maid left for her home today. Am not really sure if she's ever coming back, so that means doing all her odd jobs [i.e. cleaning out the kitties litter -_-].

Yes; omen, most definitely.
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