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Oct 25, 2005 00:18

Bloody hell, i should be packing. Oh well =D. Just me and my mom going, since my sister doesn't want to come along and neither does my dad, methinks. I don't think he likes going when my mom does. Really XD.

Not very keen on missing the last day of school *pouts*, but at least it's not my absolute last day. Whoopee for me.

Went to Sogo earlier today, and my god, jammed. Didn't get much, just a pair of pakai-dekat-rumah pants [which doesn't look it, but is actually quite itchy. Pakai-dekat-rumah pants aren't supposed to be itchy, dammit!] and an amazingly comfortable bra. Yeay.

Went on a total Ridsect splurge yesterday. Give me cockroaches, give me lizards, i don't care. Give me a troop of ants, and i'll Ridsect you before i do the ants. I don't particularly like the smell, and we never really used it before, since mosquitoes are scarce in the house, but it brings a pretty homely feeling since back at kampung the rooms downstairs get their own fair share at night =). I went pretty mad, really, and was literally on all fours trying to follow their routes. Pretty pissing off, since we never used to have this much ants around, but then i guess everyone just started leaving food everywhere and the ants got wise to us. Argh.

I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

Not spending raya at any kampungs this year, i think. The grandma on the mom's side will be at the aunty's house, so we'll just be in KL. I'm secretly a sucker for traditions, but spending raya at a kampung which doesn't look the same anymore is just not appealing. Bloody bandaraya jackasses. Rambutan trees are much more important than the widening of roads, anyway. Plus, not being able to go to kedai Kadir just across the street where the shopkeeper automatically goes, "ni anak Laili ke?" and trying to sneak the foods in without being seen by the 20+ cousins [50+, actually, but not all are around at one go XP]... I mean, don't get me wrong, i usually dread going back to kampung, but come on. It's the little things like these that make you go, "SCREW YOURSELVES TO HELL, JKR!" [or whoever's doing the constructions]. Those rambutan trees are older than me, older than my sisters [and hell, you can't get any older than that XD], older than my parents' marriage itself, and they had their silver anniversary this year. I keep on remembering my mom saying how my grandfather was the one who planted them, but he never lived long enough to see them grow.

Fuck, i'm such a sentimentalist XD.

Right then. It's already 1 40. Really, really should be packing. Cheerios.
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