Pretty much Star Wars oriented entry -_-

May 28, 2005 18:13

Star Wars is freaking cool. *puts on thick-rimmed glasses, pulls trousers four inches higher, clutches box set of the series*

Yeah, skipped school and watched it three days ago. I'm most definitely no diehard fan, but i don't know. I can't say it was wow-megaawesome-betterthanLOTR-liketotallyi'llwatchittentimes, but it just got me so exhilarated. It was pretty sad too, but wasn't really a huge tearjerker. Plus, i don't like Hayden Christensen [or Christen Haydensen, as Yi-Di keeps on reminding XP] but yeah, he was pretty hot in the movie, especially when he got off from bed and holyfreakingsexlord he has a pretty good body. Oh, and also when he's in the cloak. Hell yeah. Still, i'm not that interested.

Instead, I prefer Obi-Wan Kenobi [i know i will be condemned by a certain someone when i say this XD] and i like the fact that he'll be there throughout the earlier later movies too. And i like the whole communicating to Qui-Gon Jinn thing. Yeah!

Movie was sad because of the whole Anakin x Amidala thing, but the romance was just a tad bit overdone. It was pretty upsetting though, that while you're watching Revenge of the Sith, you don't want Anakin to turn evil, you don't want the twins to be born, you don't want Obi-Wan to grow old, you don't want this and that to happen, but you know that it's inevitable. You bloody well know what's going to happen, and it's pretty frustrating.

Wow. I pretty much gave a big movie review, didn't i? Hee... Anyway, went to Anne's house after and played with her dogs while scurrying away everytime they came close to licking XP, and then went and visited Jon, Anne's somewhat neighbour; Anne brought along her dog, Wilma. So we decided to say that we had found Wilma on the road which Jon has to be pretty oblivious to believe, since Wilma was one of those expensive chihuahua-with-fur type dogs [because chihuahuas are ugly, and Wilma is adorable XP]. So after a while, Wilma kept on running away, and she since she only responses to her name, this happened:-

Anne: We should give her a name.
Me: Yeah... Hmm... I know! What about Wilma?!
Anne: Oh yeah! Wilma is good!
Jon: So Anne, you have four dogs, right?
Anne: Yeah...
Jon: All girls?
Anne: Yeah...
Jon: What are their names, anyway? *it was pretty obvious by now that he was just playing along -_-*
Amirah: Oh wait! I know! It's Sarah... and Marie... and what was the other one called again?
Anne: Selene...
Amirah: Yeah... and the other is called... uhh... *silence from all of us, since seriously, at that moment, not a single name was thought of*
Shaz: ... Wallace.

Shit, that cracks me up XD. The fact that the other three had such pretty, girly names and suddenly pops out a Wallace. But yeah, Jon took it, and even quipped that a lot of dogs had strange names, like his was Germany. Hah.

So yeap. Teachers' Day at school yesterday, pretty much fun, lots of performances, most more good than bad. Me, Amirah and Halimah were saying how there were a lot of cool Star Wars merchandise, with the simply cute figurines to the lightsabers which switch colours and the Darth Vader mask with the voice synthesizer. Voice synthesizer?! Pretty awesome. After school, Dada, Amirah and Iman E came over to watch House of Wax. It was so much like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, pretty gruesome and quite gory. I prefer the latter.

Finally finished reading Tuesdays With Morrie; Mitch Albom which Jon lent me more than a week ago [in my defense, i did have exams =D]. It's a good book, i suppose, with a lot about life and all, but it just didn't appeal to me. Too much crap written.

The black + faded green string bracelet which Rachel made for me two years ago finally fell off. I remember being asked, more than once, when i would take it off. I said i would when it just came off by itself, but now that it has, i'm just going to re-tie it back on again =D. My wrist feels bare without it.

Ah well. Amirah's having sleepover at her house Monday night, and we're going to watch the later episodes of Star Wars. Yeah! *dumdumdadadadumdumdadadadumdumdadadaduuum*

Wokey. Pretty long entry. Whoops.
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