(no subject)

May 24, 2009 02:45

Back from VGL.. and home.. and in the 'Wack once more, already back to work. I wonder if I'm cut out to handle all these 8-hour shifts. BUT HEY, FIRST THINGS FIRST. I'm going to try and recount the adventure as best I can.


The day before the day we went. I had to get home from the 'Wack so my mom came out around twelvish to pick me up. Grandma came along, we picked up Meech on the way home, got sushi (resisted the urge to get a Rainbow Star roll for the Mario Galaxy reference lulz because I DON'T ACTUALLY LIKE EATING OCTOPUS WITH MY SUSHI) and I got to hang with Meech and Kevin at my house for the rest of the day. Sweetness... and I'll have to take my revenge on Kevin for those races. It was tight for most of it, but really, he won by one point twice in a row what is up with that. SRSLY.

Finished packing, did my hair for cosplay (which really only consisted of putting some wax in and bobby-pinning my stupid sideburns into place lolz) went to bed as early as I could with Dad playing WoW on the big screen with the sound up on the other side of the house. olol.


Woke up at 5:30. Couldn't find half of my cosplay, gave up and just took the wings/scarf/laurels and wore them on the bus to the local station (at 6:20. Why so slow, bus.). The bus driver was a good sport about it, which is always nice. Met up with Kiba around sevenish and got on the bus to the skytrain. No reaction from bus driver #2, took off my wings so's I could sit properly on the bus. Got to the skytrain station, put wings on again. Probably got in people's way. Didn't really care. Got off in Surrey to wait for Kuu and Morgan. Thought I lost my pencil, so used some change to buy a pen. Pen was slightly overpriced but worked fine for doodle/note purposes. Watched for the others on the escalator, said 'no' several times in ten minutes before Morgan showed up. HAPPINESS! Then waited for Kuu who came soon after. MORE HAPPINESS! The team was assembled and ready to go ahead of schedule.

So we caught an early bus, had many a conversation since we were all awake, then arrived at the ferry terminal. Got on an early ferry too. Was on a boat. Was on a boat with food. Was on a boat with arcade and watched Kiba kick crazy ass at Dig Dug. Got off the boat, got on a giant bus. Almost fell asleep on giant bus. WOKE UP (ish) to a beautiful day in Victoria, several hours earlier than we needed to be there to check in. Went to go find the theater, picked up the tickets, went for Starbucks. Listened to deliciously malicious plotting until we went to check in at the Best Western. RAN INTO DIFFICULTY AT BEST WESTERN. Did some awesome monetary teamwork at Best Western. Sort of. Got to our hotel suite which was very nice.


Tried to call the cousin which didn't work. Tried several more times, then went looking for food. Realized that downtown Victoria was not an easy place to find cheap eats and ended up eating in the mall. Some things never change. Realized that I had forgotten my phone while we'd gone out so cousin was unable to contact me anyway. Headed back to the hotel. Tried to call the cousin again, missed him twice. Decided to go on to look for him at the theater. No such luck, but I had retrieved my phone and we eventually met up with him. Played games at VGL preshow. Looked for cosplayers at VGL preshow. Cosplayed lamely at VGL preshow, but got a picture taken anyway for the lulz and DS-age. Fought with Snake. Lost epically against Snake. Note to Pit, bring actual weapons to the next brawl you frickin' idiot.

Played Starfox Command. Beat Starfox Command.

Watched VGL. It was epic, amazing, and all sorts of fun, but couldn't take pictures or video due to dead camera. Check youtube in a week or so to see what I saw because clearly you wouldn't have been able to hear what I heard because HEY ALL OF US WERE REALLY FREAKING LOUD. Listened to Sonic and Zelda segments. Heard from the Pong guy. Listened to Chrono Trigger and didn't get it. Listened to Final Fantasy VII fan jizz himself One Winged Angel. Decided Kefka's theme was more interesting. Listened to some more excellent music, then exited the theatre afterwards via ... police roadblock? Yeah, I still don't know what went down outside the theatre that night.

Went to Mac's and bought instant noodles, then went back to the hotel room to cook them. Tried to explain freaky Lickitung Dream to everyone. Failed somewhat miserably. Stayed up for a bit watching ... something. Eventually crawled into side bedroom bed with Kuu because sleeping in beds with dudes = no way. Tried to sleep, but was distracted by hilarious conversation and creepy surroundings. Scared the hell out of Kiba twice. Scared the hell out of personally by creepy blue flash outside the window, insert screaming, flailing and clinging to the nearest person there! Eventually got to actual sleeping. Heard Kuu snore. Fell asleep and apparently rolled into her several times...? orz


Woke up rolling into Kuu and to extremely loud alarm clock radio. Eventually got awakened/dressed. Vacated hotel room, went to eat breakfast (Thanks again Morgaaaan) at De Dutch. Om nom breakfast food~ Went to the conveniently located comic book shops across the street. Didn't buy anything, but got Zelda manga from Kiba. ♥ Got back to the bus station ahead of schedule (Baaarely) ran to catch the bus. Got back on the ferry, plotted some more about Hypna with Kuu (sorta? ahaha) went to go sit around. Bought a newspaper pencil. Ate some fries. Apparently saved someone from an emotional breakdown. Went back and ate more fries. Played some Fire Emblem and lost. Gave up and got on the bus again, played more Fire Emblem. Also lost. Transferred buses to get back to the skytrain and played more Fire Emblem. Lost AGAIN, gave up for the rest of the day. Got off the bus, hung around the skytrain station. Decided unanimously that it only felt like a little bit of time had passed and that it was supacool times. Said bye-bye to Morg, got on a train. Said bye-bye to Kuu and transferred trains. Then went home with Kiba.

The next morning I went back to Chilliwack and worked another 8 and a half hours. I am pooped, but still up at 3 in the morning.

Clearly this means I'm a frickin' idiot since now it's Sunday and will be a busier workday than before. ...Maybe I'll just sleep in until 10 and see if I can't get rested for work that way...

Gah, it's barely started yet and I'm already ready for summer to be over. I miss my parents. And my cat. And my house. And my buddies. And my reeeeeeeest...

video games ♥, ♥♥♥, family, adventure, friends, cosplay, work, rp, fooood

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