(no subject)

May 19, 2009 01:41

god Audrey stop eating so much you're going to give yourself some kind of horrible bodily complication. AAAARRHHH but it's so gooooooood

UM HI INTERNET. I've been at work. Mostly. A lot. And while nine hours of ice cream barista-ing is making me a whack of cash, OHAY, I'm freakin' exhausted already. XD; Being away for most of the day and then coming home at 9:30 is not good for the creative juices apparently because my RP tags lately have been either a) very blah, or b) sloooooow aaaaass. OR, c) nonexistant. Granted that this was the Victoria Day long weekend and we probably won't be half as swamped for most of the summer but still. You never know, right? I'm hoping it slows down enough for me to ... not just crash as soon as I get home.

Sooo I've been working hard and living comfortably (for the most part) I still don't have a hair straightener or proper shampoo. Will fix that when I go home on Wednesday for the next day's VGL, ooooobebiiii. Debating whether it's too risky to bring my wings onto public transit or to just say 'screw it' and do it anyway. I suppose I could always buy more if I really, really wanted to make a Pit costume in the future. (I think I could do it. Another wig and some blue contacts... though I'll need those contacts anyway for Roy OH GOD WATCH ME BLOW ALL MY MONEY ON COSPLAY SHIT AGAIN)

Dur. Um. Started Fire Emblem SD over again because DAMNED if I'll ever beat Chapter 8 due to my own OCD with arena training. EVERYONE MUST BE AT LEVEL 10 RIGHT NOW GOD DAMNIT aaaaand um. Been playing Paper Mario TTYD finally. Am at Boggly Woods and in love with the scenery. Am not so in love with the enemies, Clefts can all go die. Arg.

Also Peach seems to be slightly tone-deaf while showering. Oh well, no one was supposed to be watching her anyway.

What the hell, Nintendo. B|

Not really, it's just a meme.

Name one of the characters I've been known to play or still play and I'll fill this out.

o1. Full name
o2. Best friend
o3. Sexuality
o4. Favorite color
o5. Relationship status
o6. Ideal mate
o7. Turn-ons
o8. Last sexual experience
o9. Favorite food
1o. Crushes
11. Favorite music
12. Biggest fear
13. Biggest fantasy
14. Quirks in bed
15. Bad habits
16. Biggest regret
17. Best kept secrets
18. Last thought
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience
2o. Biggest insecurity


video games ♥, meme, work, fooood, rp

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