Preparing to Clear

Mar 02, 2018 10:18

Snowed most of the night - much lighter though. Still snowing but now it's that nasty gritty stuff not fluffy flakes. We can't quite open the front door so I'm going to have to shove it open as far as I can a bit later and get out there with a shovel. I'm not letting my cousin do that with her dodgy ticker!!

They say it will stop snowing soon and turn to sleet. so I'll wait for that. It's currently minus four...

The "red" warning has been reduced to "amber" and will probably come down to "yellow" this afternoon. Which means the buses will be running again. (Though not the ones that run along little country lanes to the larger villages because the roads are still blocked as they aren't a priority for the griiters).

We're lucky - we still have power, quite a few folk don't today.

Usually we'd leave the path because English law is funny like that. If you don't attempt to clear your path or the bit of the street's pavement in front of your property you are not responsible if anyone falls - the assumption is they can see the situation & should take care. If you do attempt to clear your path or that bit of public pavement and you don't do a *perfect* job and you leave a tiny bit of ice or packed snow and somebody falls you *are* responsible because the law says they're entitled to assume it's safe and it's not.

So we Brits don't clear our paths as a rule.

I'll do it this time though - because anyone trying to walk the path will be up to their knees if I don't!!

And I'll make damn' sure it's perfect!!

Let the ferrets out into the garden for ten minutes (that's all - just ten) as they were desperate for a run. The snow is deep enough that they can burrow into it and tunnel along - completely hidden beneath it!!

They didn't really want to come back inside but I did - I was bloody freezing out there with them. And asking myself why the hell do I no longer own a pair of wellies!!
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