Feb 09, 2018 11:24
It's turned a lot colder. Hoar-frost most mornings and a bitterly cold wind. But at least the rain eased for a bit. Though the fence around the car-park area is still lying on the grass - hasn't been moved, hasn't been replaced.
It's much colder in Korea right now... I'm off work & watching the opening ceremony of the winter Olympics.
Looking forward to the games. I love the Alpine Skiing, and the Bob, and Luge, and Curling.
Glad to have the day off. These past few days I've been feeling my age. In fact on Tuesday I said out loud "I'm getting to old for this shit". But then, before the government decided to increase the pension age, I would have been retired by now. As it is I've still got a few more years. There was a comment travelling around when the government increased it - "Only someone who's worked in an office their whole life can think you can work in a manual job until you're 70". Right now I agree with that!!