
Jan 16, 2018 20:26

It would be really nice if we could have a few days without gale-force winds and torrential rain.

The garden looks more like a mud wallow for a hippopotamus than anything you might grow flowers in. My ferrets are fed up with not being able to get a proper run around. (Arctic hates the rain).

The fence around the car-parking area blew down a week or more ago, (it's the council's fence not ours so it's their responsibility), and the panels are still lying scattered across the grass.

The wind is keeping me awake at nights, (50-mile-an-hour winds and rain lashing at the bedroom window are not conducive to a good night's rest), although I don't need a lot of sleep I do need some, so the lack is making me very grumpy.

And in typical British fashion, three months from now I'll probably be grumbling about the lack of rain... *g*

Oh yeah - would somebody please explain to the orange twat (and all the other deniers) the difference between "climate and "weather". Just because the USA is currently masquerading as a deep-freeze does not mean climate change isn't real....
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