No need to extend the litany of hyperbole about my weekend, sufficed to say it was excellent. Friday was dominated by Call of Cthulu. It finally feels like we’re getting somewhere in this game, finally. We may do some all day Saturday sessions to move things along. That would make me a very happy boy, because my character seems to have some very nasty things lurking in the background. How much more H.P. Lovecraft does it get?
Saturday I unfortunately woke up early to go drop some stuff off with one of my cousins. With out realizing it I had a serious scheduling conflict this coming weekend. I RSVP for my cousins Jessica’s wedding, but this weekend is AnimeNext. Now I already have a room reserved, plans to roll with Paul, and god damn it I’m finally a guest at a convention, after years of being staff (or just a regular con go-er *shiver*) I finally get to be among the pantheon of people actually invited to be at a convention because I am part of something that other people are interested in. I can’t pass that up. So back to my story. I had to run down to Bensalem to drop off my wedding gifts with my cousin Gabby (Jessica’s sister), only to find out that she was gone for the weekend, leaving her son (my cousin Kyle) alone. This is one of those truly heartbreaking stories. I helped raise Kyle when he was but a wee baby, and he’s been knocked around pretty good since then. The sad part is there isn’t much I can do to help him. I don’t have any room to invite him to stay with me, to escape the madness. Anyway that’s another rant for another time.
After that I came home and took a nap Then I hauled my battered carcass up and got ready for the dungeon. I actually when down there early because I promised Bart that I would hook him up. I had an old computer abandoned from work that I wasn’t using, and the other weekend he was bemoaning how his own personal computer at home was beyond ancient. It was cool to hang out with everyone before things really got rolling. I got some good dirt, talked to everyone in a little more private setting, and generally had fun. As the eight o’clock hour rolled around things picked up quickly. There were seven people that weren’t part of the staff there at eight. That is very rare. And when all was said and done there was probably about forty people there. That is a really good night. Early on in the night I was a little bored after catching up with everyone because there were no scenes going on. So I pulled out the floggers I had won back at the anniversary party and began practicing with them. I was trying to figure out different motions to perform with them. That is perhaps a stilted way of explaining myself, but it’s all I’ve got.
Later after I had finished and people started sceneing, I just left them lay over my shoulders. Partly because I lazy and partly because they are great conversation starters. At one point I actually saw someone performing the manner of flogging I was attempting to figure out earlier. So I watched his arm and wrist motions very intently and later in the night attempted to reenact them. This led to me figuring out the basic motion. Essentially wind milling the floggers on either side of my body, the trick is to use one of the motions to cross them up to the other side and link motions on the left and right. If you’ve ever seen someone spinning two swords at once and constantly crossing them over, it’s the same idea.
Most of my night involved watching and talking to people. Sporting two huge, very ornate floggers will do wonders for the initial spark of conversation. Now if only I could learn how to talk to people. During the night I was offered a serious bone for hooking Bart up, I feel really bad about accepting it, but it insisted. I was honestly just happy to help. I know that running that place is his life, and that it can’t be easy by any stretch of the imagination. I mean Anime club is only two weekends a month, much less every weekend, and it feels like I am carrying a semi on my back sometimes.
I saw quite a few good scenes this past Saturday. Once again it was rope bondage night with the same two guys from last weekend back again for more. I would kill to have the knot tying ability of these guys. I saw Bart really fuck with this sub head. He was playing with her and she had on a black wife beater, about half way through the scene he pulled out a knife and just cut it off of her, which visibly freaked her out, but she was totally into it. Then later Bart and Dove did needles on Wolfs cock and balls. Talk about intense. Now I have had genital piercings so I have some understanding of how that feels. But I’m talking one at a time, not 15 at once… That led to a funny moment, later as everyone was getting ready to leave, I was talking to Dove about the needle play earlier, and I mentioned that in the future if they do that again, piercing the crest of the head could be interesting (like an ampalang, google and BME are your friends). Then wolf started busting my balls about selling him down the river.
After the festivities were over, we all went out to the diner. I was tired and really wanted to get some sleep before D&D, but I went out anyway. It’s been quite some time since I was at the diner with the dungeon crew. It was fun, I felt very comfortable there and really let loose with the jokes and comments. To a certain extent I think a lot of people were surprised to see me open up so much. Meh, it always takes me time to open up. The suck part is that I didn’t leave the diner till six thirty. So I didn’t get to sleep till after seven in the morning.
I was then up at one in the afternoon to head on off to D&D. I’m kind of sad about that because I wanted to get up early and watch some of the world cup matches. Oh well as it was I got to see the last twenty minutes of Mexico versus Iran which was a good match. Anyway D&D on Sunday was a good deal of fun. Despite a little tension early on things evened out and everyone had fun. I managed to kill another character. But let me be frank here. If I were a fighter trained by a god to slaughter the wicked, and someone shot an arrow at me (even if it was an unintentional miss) I would attack because I was attacked first. How was I to know that a high level dragon hunter with a flaming bow was hiding in the grass? Thus why I should never play a dumb fighter type. However I came up with a great character concept that will allow Glen to fuck with me mercilessly. I am a half goblin half human wizard who escaped from the evil army to the west and is seeking his place in the world. There is something about repurposing races and character classes in D&D to do things there were not meant to do (The half Goblin “Hoardling” race was designed by Glen to be a Ranger/Rogue type), that appeals to me. It must be the hacker in me.
Yesterday was also quite interesting. We did our official one year clips/recap show last night on the podcast. We had Matt Pyson back on, because Paul wasn’t feeling well and didn’t think he was going to make it, even though he did anyway. So really it was rather like we did the first show all over again. I reviewed my favorite moments from the past years. We listened to clips galore, and had a lot of laughs. I had to bail before the end though. At eleven thirty Todd still hadn’t done his segment, and I just couldn’t deal. I was beat, and I am still tired as hell. I’m supposed to go out tonight, and I can’t bail on this, but it’s going to be rough. Oh well. I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Anyway that was my weekend, you stay classy San Diego!