Spanish sadness

Jun 08, 2005 12:50

Ahhh.....Spain. Land of rude, smelly, dirty, arrogant, disingenuous fucking twats.
And that´s just the women.

Nah, seriously, Spain´s been going pretty well. Tomorrow we´re supposed to go a bullfight, Sunday we attend this play called Blood Weddings, and then next week we attend a free show by Garbage!

Took a few hours by myself yesterday to go around town a little, do some exploring, ruin some people´s know, the usual. Had to dragon kick this bitch square under the chin, and then I threw a bum in front of the was fucking great. Blood spraying everywhere, random Spaniards giving me high fives in congratulations for eliminating one more smelly prick in Spain. Then I had to kill the bastards who high fived me to get their god awful unwashed B.O. stink off my hands (nothing washes off B.O. better than blood and brain and piss, lemme tell ya!). Then I managed to fuck a Spanish woman in the ass in front of a church. She didn´t mind the ass fucking, since it´s probably the least degrading thing she´s ever to had deal with here, and at least she had a nice view of the holy sepulchre. At least, until I sucker punched her in the back of the head. Bitch ain´t seeing much now!

With the exception of me going on around town by myself, none of the above really happened. But seriously, I would really like to beat the shit out the next rude-ass Spaniard I come across. Would solve a few problems.

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